Trudeau's 'Online Harms' censorship regime slated to cost Canadians $200 million - LifeSite (
"According to a July 4 report from the Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO), the Trudeau government will spend $201 million to create a Digital Safety Commission, Ombudsperson and Office to enforce the Online Harms Act if it is passed. Critics have called the bill “totalitarian” for its desire to retroactively punish Canadians for vaguely defined internet “hate” infractions as well as preemptively punish those the government is worried may commit an act of “hate” in the future. FULL STORY at above link.
Elon Musk skewers Trudeau gov't Online Harms bill as 'insane' for target...
After being made aware of the Trudeau government's proposed 'Online Harms' bill, and its desire to punish intern...
'Preemptive punishment': Constitutional law group sounds alarm over Onli...
The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms has warned that the Trudeau government's Online Harms bill would ...