Denis Hart (7 July 2024)
"4 July 2024 - An Australian Perspective"

4 July 2024 - An Australian Perspective

4 July 2024 - symmetry!

This 4th July is interesting:  with the year 1900 as a pivot point, there are 124 years before and 124 years after.  The number of years since America's Independence Day is now 248 - just two to the completion of 250 (5*50) years. While the Rapture and judgment on the US may be imminent, there may be an outpouring of the Holy Spirit (end-time revival) in these 'closing years of time' for the Church.

Australia on 4 July 2024

Two very important events (linked to Israel and Gaza) took place in Australia on Thursday 4 July 2024.  Firstly, we woke to news that pro-Palestinian protestors had breached security at (New) Parliament House and hung banners from the roof (from the river to the sea).  A major security incident!  Secondly, a Labor Senator announced that she was leaving the ruling Labor Party over the Gaza issue! While cost of living concerns are very important in Australia (including high interest rates), the Gaza/Palestinian situation is creating rifts in the Labor Party.  Zechariah 12:2,3 (KJV) is a reality in Australia today:

Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem.

And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.

As we know, 4 July 2024 was also the day there was a seismic shift to the Labour Party in the UK elections, and there are many signs of the Lord’s imminent return across the Earth!!

Tasmanian Weather Signs!

A very high pressure system has been causing very low temperatures in Tasmania and some other parts of Australia.  Some coastal locations have recorded below zero (Celsius) minima (rare for places near the sea).  One inland Tasmanian town Liawenee (with a population of two!!) recorded a night minimum of -13.5 (Celsius) on 4 July – the second coldest Tasmanian day on record!!  This high pressure drew attention to the highest pressure ever recorded in Australia: 1044.3hPa at Launceston on 7 June 1967!!!!  (Jerusalem Day in the six day war!).

I have lived in Canberra for around 40 years, but I lived in Tasmania for 14 years.  I lived in Hobart, but know Launceston (the second largest city in Tasmania) well.  The Hart ancestry goes back to Launceston and surrounds (Exton Place in Exton – in a now almost non-existent town)!!!!!

The birth pangs signalling the Lord’s Return are getting stronger and more frequent!!  Hurricane Beryl impacted Jamaica and other locations on or around 4 July.

Denis in Canberra!!