Craig Opal (14 Jul 2024)
"The final Sign! plus TRUMP assassination Attempt!,!!!!"

Revelation 7:14 Is an incredibly important verse in end times prophecy. But every now and then we find new meaning in a verse that perhaps we didn’t notice before. I’ve studied Revelation to the point of exhaustion since I was 12 years old or so, but it wasn’t until just now that I found something new, that I noticed before, but didn’t pay much attention to because I didn’t think it was anything as noteworthy, as the 7:14 event itself.

But in light of this recent record breaking heat wave we are experiencing, I realize once again how awesome and detailed God is in his word that it comes to pass before our very eyes, right down to the last “dot and tiddle”.

So notice with me the words in Revelation 7:16, just a few verses after the raptured 7:14 multitude(us), are seen in heaven right before the wrath really begins “….the sun will not beat down on them, NOR ANY scorching heat”.

Given this is exactly what is happening now and has been occurring for at least the last week and will continue at least here in the Northeast for at least another week, this qualifies as the longest running heat wave EVER in my memory! And if I had to guess the way this summer is going it will be the hottest summer ever as well.

Why else is this important, is because it tells us exactly what we are experiencing now but what we WILL be ESCAPING ! Extreme Heat!! 

Not only trials and tribulations which we all have by the way. Not only the myriad of dozen and perhaps hundreds of other signs we see day in and day out. The roar and the fury of the sea, earthquakes in various places, signs in the heavens etc etc. 

But this is HUGE!

Again no dates, but I just want to declare this verse is unfolding right before our eyes with the culmination being all of us leaving!  I get goosebumps every time the spirit agrees with his word and as I am writing this again. 

The last time I got goosebumps like this was when I first realized the 6th seal was in fact the Rapture and the first 5 seals were already broken. This new detail of prophecy might indeed be the last!!!

And as I finalize this letter there is a security incident with gunshots and Trump had blood on his ear and face! An assassination attempt, that GOD thwarted!

Are we qualifying for “soon after the trouble of those days” yet? Between a Trump assasination attempt, and this extreme heat at the same time !!

Even so Come soon Lord, please come soon!!! We need you Now and protect TRUMP!