Chance (7 July 2024)
"Archbishop Vigano Excommunicated"

Hello John and Doves,
Archbishop Vigano has stood firm against this Vatican and this Pope.  He's been very critical of Pope Francis - over "climate fraud", supporting Covid-19 "vaccines", promoting gay-friendly churches, buddying up with Islam, supporting open borders, and covering up "abuses" by Catholic clergy - with a litany of complaints.
He was the Vatican's envoy in Washington, D.C. from 2011 - 2016.
I have included several of his commentaries in Doves letters over the years where he spoke openly and boldly against Pope Francis' 'errors and heresies'.
"Recently, the archbishop has said Francis' election to the papacy should be considered "null and void" and has instead accused the pope of "heresy and schism"."
Archbishop Vigano said he "did not recognize the legitimacy of the process" - the excommunication/banishment.  He did not attend his 'trial' defying the Vatican's summons to face charges of schism.
Archbishop Vigano has referred to Pope Francis as a "false prophet" - that could be prophetic!!  And also, as a "servant of satan."
And the "Vatican ruling against Archbishop Vigano was signed by Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernandez "head of the Doctrine of the Faith office (one of the most powerful positions in the Vatican), and by secretary, Father John Joseph Kennedy."
Vigano said "I do not recognize the authority of the tribunal that claims to judge me, nor of its Prefect, nor of the one who appointed him," referring to Fernandez and Francis."
Papal arch enemy Archbishop Vigano found guilty of schism and excommunicated
I thought I recognized that Cardinal's name - Victor Manuel Fernandez - that signed this ruling - he's the man put in charge of the Vatican's updated guidelines for 'apparitions and other supernatural phenomena'.  He authored several graphic and erotic books along with books on mysticism.  Here's my Doves letter about him dated 31 May 2024:
Vatican Guidelines for "Apparitions, Other Supernatural Phenomena'; Release Date: May 17
In that Doves letter I wrote, in reference to these new guidelines - "So what is the Vatican preparing for?...The Antichrist?  The False Prophet (who some believe could be the Pope.)?"  This Cardinal is an evil man.
Also, Glenn Beck may have met Cardinal Fernandez at the Vatican when he visited last year.  Beck purposefully did not name the 'evil' Cardinal he met there but said he was told this Cardinal was "the head". Beck said that when this Cardinal entered the room, "the room got chilly" and he said  "he was the spookiest guy I've ever met - I just wanted to be far away from him.'  Beck said there is a war going on - a battle between good and real evil in the Vatican.  (Cardinal Fernandez is "head of the Doctrine of the Faith office" - one of the most powerful positions in the Vatican.)
Glenn: My visit to Vatican City proves EVIL IS EVERYWHERE
Good for Archbishop Vigano!  This is not a red letter of shame, this excommunication is a badge of honor!
He has officially been separated from the evil of this Pope and his evil minions in the Vatican.
May the Lord bless him as he continues he fight against this evil in the Catholic Church.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!