Chance (7 July 2024)
"Zadokite Priestly Calendar, Luis Vega - The Feast of New Wine"

Hello John and Doves,
Here are two more possible dates for the Feast of New Wine/Acts Pentecost:
Zadokite Priestly Calendar:
The Zadok Way website uses the the Zadokite Calendar which is based on Biblical references, the Dead Sea Scrolls, the book of Jubilees and the book of Enoch.
The Feast of New Wine is on the 3rd day of the fifth month. This is "an eternal statute, from generation to generation...They shall rejoice this day in the festival of new wine."
In Matthew 9:17, Jesus tells us "Neither do they put new wine into old wineskins or else the wineskins burst and the wine is spilled, and the wineskins are ruined.  But they put new wine into fresh wineskins and both are preserved." 
'What Yeshua is conveying in this parable is that the old skin or your old sinful ways cannot contain the inheritance and blessings to come.  But through repentance and belief, the old is thrown off and He provides a new skin ready to handle the convenantal blessings He wants to pour into us."
"This feast is about offering Yahweh the new new harvest...and adopting a new skin before the blessings of New Wine can be poured inside."
run time 13:03
This link is to the Zadokite Priestly Calendar - a calendar that is the "culmination from the contributions of scholars, theologians, and fellow laborers in Yeshua.  Many, past and present, have contributed to the most extensive research of the Qumran Zadokite calendar to date."
The 3rd day of the fifth month is Feast of New Wine - July 21, 2024.  The 50th day count.  The full moon is July 19 on the Zadok calendat..  "..the Zadok perfectly divisible by seven, it uses both the sun and the moon as witnesses and it is in line with the priestly order that is laid out in 1 Chronicles 24."  The Zadok Way website believes that this calendar is "as close as we can get to the calendar that the ancient Hebrews were keeping prior to the captivity."
Zadok Priestly Calendar – Torah is Light
Luis Vega's Count:
Luis Vega covers this topic in much detail and great depth - lots of study has been put into this topic over many, many years..
Luis Vega had several letters last week about the Feast of New Wine - his calculations take him to July 23, 2024.  The Feast of New Wine corresponds to the Acts 2 Pentecost Event.
NEW WINE PENTECOST - Determining the Correct Start Date
Luis Vega believes that the "Pentecost New Wine is based on the Spring Equinox"  and that the "Solar Calendar is the more accurate one, even over the Essene one."
NEW WINE PENTECOST - 4 Months to a Wheat Rapture Harvest
These two 'counts' are very close.  July 21 is a Sunday.  July 23 is a Tuesday.
The Third Day of the Fifth Month is 3 Av - Based on the New Moon, What Day Is That?
If the Fifth Month starts in July:  The new moon of July is on July 6 in Jerusalem at 1:57 am.
Moon Phases 2024 – Lunar Calendar for Jerusalem, Israel
It will probably be sighted on July 7 or 8.  Let's say July 7 is Day 1.  So the third day of the fifth month is July 9.  Tishah B'Av, or 9th of Av is July 15
If the Fifth Month starts in August:  The new moon of August is on August 4 in Jerusalem. (same link as above) at 2:13 PM.  So the first day of the month could be August 5. So the third day of the fifth month would be August 7.  Tishah B'Av is August 13.  (This day matches up with Dr. Awe's date for Feast of New Wine/9th of Av - see my other Doves letter today:  "Another Look At Some Of The Feasts Of The Lord...."  and he counted to this day using the Dead Sea Scroll count and Leviticus 23 count.
Just more possible dates for Feast of New Wine and Acts Pentecost.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!