Chance (7 July 2024)
"Another Look At Some Of The Feasts Of The Lord and The Feast of New Wine"

Hello John and Doves,
Sure looks like Jesus, Himself has fulfilled, will fulfill all of the Lord's Feasts.  I am referring to Jesus directly. 
For example, I believe that Jesus fulfilled the Feast of Weeks/Shavuot with His ascension.
I believe that the true Acts Pentecost is on Feast of New Wine - this is when the Holy Spirit arrived some 50 days after Jesus ascended. 
The arrival of the Holy Spirit, imo, is not "Jesus Himself" fulfilling that feast day.  I believe that Jesus will fulfill Feast of New Wine with His appearing in the clouds for His Believers - the Rapture.
And, I believe, that the Acts Pentecost - the day the Church was 'created' - will be the day - at least, a very good possibility - that the Church will be removed.
And that these are one and the same day.  Feast of New Wine = Acts Pentecost
Double very good reasons for this day to be a very high watch day for the Rapture.
Also, I had believed that 'new wine' - was not fermented yet - no, that is not correct - it's wine from the new harvest of the year.  And it IS fermented.  I explain below about Peter's comment about the people not being drunk because 'it's but the third hour or 9 AM' below...
The Feasts of the Lord:
There are several feasts of the Lord given in Leviticus and Numbers.  But there are also feasts given in the Temple Scroll of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Not all of the feasts are mentioned in the Gospels or the Old Testament - not all of the feasts are listed in Leviticus or Numbers.  Yet, we are told that these feasts are for generation to generation and they require offerings to the Lord - new grain, or new wine, or new oil - they are to do no work, etc. etc. - that makes them very important to the Lord and the people.  We were told these are 'appointed' days of prophetic significance.  In other words, something BIG will happen on each one of these days. 
I believe, Jesus has done or will do something BIG on each one of these days - just like He did on Passover, Unleavened Bread and Firstfruits.  I put Him IN each Feast Day.
I'm not going to write here about all of the Feast days - just the first few:
Feast of Passover - Jesus was the last lamb slain for Passover ending the sacrifices.  Messianic Significance:  "Jesus' death as the lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world".
Feast of Unleavened Bread - Jesus' sinless (unleavened) broken body laid in the tomb; at the Last Supper, Jesus broke the bread and said "take and eat; this is my body."  Matthew 26:26  Messianic Significance:  "Jesus sinless life and his burial."
Feast of Firstfruits - Jesus was the firstfruits to rise from the dead.  Paul said that Christ is the firstfuits to be resurrected.  1 Corinthians 15:23  Messianic Significance:  "Jesus' resurrection from the dead as the firstfruits of the New Creation."
Feast of Weeks/Shavuot/Jewish Pentecost (not Acts Pentecost) - ascended to be with His Father in Heaven;  Messianic Significance:  Jesus ascends up into Heaven to sit on the right hand of God to rule the world from His throne.
Feast of New Wine or Acts Pentecost - Jesus will appear in the cloud for His Believers to take them to the place He has prepared for them. Messianic Significance:  "The coming of the Holy Spirit to indwell in believers."  AND Jesus returns in the clouds as promised for His people then He will drink the new wine with them. 
Feast of New Oil - some info below - but more on this later.  The Temple Scroll of the Dead Sea Scrolls tells us the Oil Festival is on 22 Ellul.
In the Old Testament, we are told how the Lord provides the new grain, the new wine, and the new oil; the people are to bring the offerings to the priests who present these to the Lord in the Temple:
In Ezekiel 45:17  " shall be the prince's part to give burnt offerings, and meat offerings and drink offerings, in the feasts, and in the new moons and in the sabbaths...."  And in Deuteronomy 18:4:  "You shall give Him the first fruits of your grain, your new wine, and your oil, and the first shearing of your sheep."  "For the sons of Israel and the sons of Levi shall bring the contribution of the grain, the new wine and the oil to the chambers; there are the utensils of the sanctuary, the priests who are ministering, the gatekeepers and the singers.  Thus we will not neglect the House of our God."  Nehemiah 10:39
Feast of New Wine:
In the Temple Scroll of the Dead Sea Scrolls the people were given instructions for counting to the Feast of New Wine - that follows the instructions for counting to Shavuot: column 19, lines 11 - 15:  "You shall count beginning from the day when you bring the new grain offering to the Lord - the bread of the first fruits - seven weeks, seven full weeks, until the day after the seventh Sabbath.  You are to count fifty days, then bring new wine as a drink offering:  four hin from all the tribes of Israel, one-third of a hin from each tribe."
Also, in the Temple Scroll, column 21, lines 8 - 10:  So the children of Israel are to rejoice before the Lord, this being an eternal statue, generation after generation, wherever they may dwell.  They shall rejoice this day, for they have begun to pour out a fermented drink offering, new wine, upon the alter of the Lord, and annual rite."
"Notice that "new wine" does not refer to unfermented grape juice as is often taught (I believed this initially.)  The new wine is fermented, as seen in this description of pouring out the drink offering (fermented).  It is called "new wine" simply because is comes from a new harvest of grapes.  Wine from the new harvest was not to be consumed before the first fruits offering was made.  Until that time, the people drank from the older wine.  After the Feast of New Wine and the offering, they were permitted to drink from the new batch."
"So the Temple Scroll outlines a series of Feasts spaced equally throughout the Spring and Summer."
"The First Fruits of Barley, the Wave Sheaf, is on the first day of the week following the Feast of Unleavened Bread."
"The exactly seven weeks later, counting first days inclusive of the first day and ending on the first day of the week, is the First Fruits of Wheat, the Feast of Weeks or Shavuot (Pentecost)."
"Exactly seven weeks later, counting fifty days inclusive of the first day and ending on the first day of the week, is the First Fruits of New Wine."
"And exactly seven weeks after that, counting fifty days inclusive of the first day and ending on the first day of the week, is the First Fruits of New Oil."
"There is no evidence that Yeshua observed the Feast of New Wine or the Feast of New Oil.  There is also no evidence anywhere in the Gospels that he observed the wave sheaf of the barley harvest, or Shavuot, or Yom Teurah, or Yom Kippur.  But does anyone truly doubt that He kept those Feasts?  Silence does not indicate that it did not happen."
After Shavuot: Wine and Oil - The Messianic Light
With all of that - then when is the Feast of New Wine?  That's next on the list of feast days.
Dr. Barry Awe, with his counting - believes Feast of New Wine is on the 8th of Av (or 9th of Av) -   He believes that 'best' day for the Rapture is the day the Church was created - when the Holy Spirit came - Feast of New Wine/true Pentecost.  His date is August 13 for 9th of Av.
Church RAPTURE on Selfsame Day it started, New Wine PENTECOST! - YouTube
run time 1:34:06
And here's his video looking at Shavuot vs Pentecost:  He believes that the Feast of New Wine is the True Pentecost (Acts Pentecost) and it happens on the 8th of Av turning into the 9th of Av."  "What a great day for the Rapture" - At twilight - at the twinkling of an eye - as it turns into the 9th of Av for Israel (we know what disasters befell the Jewish people on the 9th of Av through out history.) .  August 12, 13, 14 depending on where you are in the world -  He believes August 13 is the 9th of Av.  Highest possibility of the Rapture.  This is when the Church was born.  It's all about the wine - drinking of the wine seals the marriage.
The new wine offering occurred at 9AM on Feast of New Wine (that's the third hour of the day that Peter talked about) - only after the offering was made to the Lord by the High Priest could the people consume the wine from the new harvest. 
He said there is some debate as to the date of of Feast of New Wine: 
Some say it's the first day of fifth month - 1 Av.
He said counting 50 straight days from Shavuot takes us to about the 4th of Av.
His method of counting takes us to the 8th of Av.  That evening turning into the 9th of Av.

Will God Rapture His Bride at the Shavuot or the Pentecost? His Word says... - YouTube
run time 1:07:11
Other Calendars:
The Temple Scroll of the Dead Sea Scrolls tells us that the New Wine Festival is on 3 Av.  Not far off from Dr. Awe's date.  But which calendar/count is correct?
The Three Shavuot Festivals of Qumran: Wheat, Wine, and Oil -
On the Chabad calendar, 9th of Av is August 12 to August 13.  1 Av August 4/5. 3 Av is August 6/7.
August, 2024 / Tammuz - Av, 5784 - Jewish Calendar - Hebrew Calendar

On the Torah calendar, 9th of Av is July 15 to July 16.Torah Calendar
On the Essene calendar, First fruits of New Wine is July 21 - 3 Av.
Essene Calendar
I believe that the new moon sighting starts the new month..and the counting of the days, and the counting to the Sabbaths and the counting to the Feast Days.   I've written about the calendars before.  
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!