Chance (28 July 2024)
"'Democrats Have Something Up Their Sleeves""

Hello John and Doves,
This article starts with "Something very evil and shocking is coming."  Looks like I'm not the only one who thinks this.
"The deep state is in shock that Trump survived, let alone that he was able to turn lemons into lemonade.  The assassination attempt gave Trump the most heroic, iconic image in the history of modern American politics."
The Democrats and deep state "needed to come up with a Plan B fast."  They latched on to Harris as their presidential candidate.  "...her past record makes here the most radical Marxist candidate in history."
This is who the Democrats "have chosen to lead the battle against a formidable President Trump?  It makes no sense."
"The question is, "What comes next?"
The most accurate and reliable polls in the country show Trump up 8 points and the polymarket bettors "give Trump an insumountable 35-point lead....Which means the bettors (who put their money where their mouth is) think Harris has literally no chance at victory."
"Something is wrong.  Democrats must have something up their sleeve.  Because this decision to back Harris makes no sense.  And they are too smart and cunning to make an unforced evil like this.   But maybe, just maybe, the answer is they don't care who the candidate is."
"Is the goal now to plan and coordinate crisis and chaos for the fall election season, to distract from Democrats pulling off another rigged and stolen election?"

"What evil plans could be on the menu?"
1)  Biden step down as president and Harris step up?
2)  A new pandemic - more Covid- 19, bird flu or something else?  (I'm leaning towards this one.)
3)  Registering 20 - 30 million illegals to vote - giving them all kinds of incentives to vote Democrat/Harris.
4)  A riotous army of illegal military aged men to set the country on fire before the election - like BLM and ANTIFA did back in 2020?
5)  Real war - WW3 with threats of weapons of mass distraction to rally around the president already in office (probably Harris)  China vs Taiwan.  Iran vs Israel.  Russia vs Europe.  (I'll add Russia and China vs U.S.)
6)  Another assassination attempt on President Trump? (this would leave the Republicans scrambling, possibly postponing the election?)
7)  Assassination attempt of Harris and blame it on MAGA?
The author ends his article with "Trust me, all or part of this plan will be carried out in the coming weeks."  Running with Kamala makes no sense - "Democrats and the deep state have something up their sleeve."
"Something very evil and shocking is coming."
Pretty sobering article.  And I agree...something wicked this way comes.
Brace yourself.  We may only have a few weeks of 'normal' left.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!

The choice of Kamala makes no sense, but Dems have something up their sleeves * WorldNetDaily * by Wayne Allyn Root