Hello John and Doves,
Oh, what short memories human beings have!They have moved on from The Great Floor, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, the ten plagues of Egypt.- the 'same' demon possessed pagans and evil entities taunting God back then are here today - this time at the Paris Olympics."One new display on Friday showed what appears to be numerous performers, including drag queens and a large women in an aureole halo crown, parodying "The Last Supper", a universally recognizable painting by renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci of Christ and His apostles."Elon Musk tweeted that 'This was extremely disrespectful to Christians."
Elon Musk on X: "@Chesschick01 This was extremely disrespectful to Christians" / X
"Ex-transgender influencer Oli London described the scene, "Olympics openly mocks Jesus' Last Supper as drag queens dressed as women play the role of disciples while a plus size woman appears in the middle symbolising Jesus wearing a giant crown."
Maybe 'woke' is just another word for 'demonic minions of satan'. I imagine that if "woke" was in use in John's day - The Revelation would have been full of 'wokeness' catching the biblical wrath of God.THEY always pick on everything Christian - everything of God. Never Hinduism, never Buddhism, never Islam.. It's always something to do with God and His Son. Ten Commandments, prayer, the Cross, a religious painting, a Christian church..all have a target on it. Because demons know He is the one true God and they know His Son. The recognized Jesus when He was on Earth - calling Him the "Son of the Most High God", the "Holy One of God", "You are the Son of God."This satanic display was intended to insult the 2.4 billion Christians and mock God. Jeff Childers of Covid & Coffee, wrote that "The avante-garde spectacle was, presumably, intended to riffle the feathers of the world's 2.4 billion Christians, but it backfired. Instead, it seems to have had the unintended effect of exciting mature believers who raced to check off new squares on their Last Days Bingo cards ("Ooh B-36! That one's going right into the winepress of wrath.".....Anyway, whatever it was, it made everyone feel like it was intended to provoke God into pulling the plug on the whole experiment."Snip from Jeff Childers 7/27/2024 Coffee & Covid email:"Practically begging for a lightning bolt, and auditioning for cameo appearances in Hades, the Olympic Committee rounded up every bearded transvestite in Paris and liberally deployed makeup in gallon-sized cartons. The opening ceremony's 'centerpiece', if you can call it that, was a living replica of the Last Supper, except featuring poorly-passing, overweight men (and one child, of course) dressed in gayly decorated, over-the-top drag costumes, in a blasphemous facsimile of the Creator of the Universe and His twelve disciples."This "33rd year of the Olympics, "resembled an amateur LGBTQIAA++ fashion show." This was "a repellent eyesore"."(end snip from email)God won't be provoked - He has a time for the coming wrath, but I do hope that this is the beginning of the end of the pagan taunting and shaking of their fists in His face. These are probably those that won't repent during the Tribulation. Even when hit with the various plagues: "Now the rest of mankind who were not killed by these plagues still did not repent of the works of their hands. They did not stop worshiping demons and idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood, which cannot see or hear or walk. Furthermore, they did not repent of their murder, sorcery, sexual immorality and theft. Rev 9:20We might be that close to this time in human history.I do hope that this is the LAST BIBLICAL STRAW for God. That He's 'about to pull the biblical plug' and move the world into the Tribulation period.Jesus said, "Do not seal up the words of prophecy in this book, because the time is near. Let the unrighteous continue to be unrighteous, let the vile continue to be vile...." Rev. 22:10My LAST DAYS BINGO card is getting pretty full!Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!Maranatha!Chance