Hello Fay and Doves,
Thank you for the encouraging words!We have so, so many amazing Watchers on this site! I really enjoy the many letters - on varied topics.I always look for Fay's letters when I read Doves to my 92 year old Mom. She always asks me to read Fay's letters!Fay - you keep us focused on Israel - God's time clock! Thank you for that! And you are our eyes and ears in the U.K. - providing insight, news, your sharp perspective and your always encouraging words.Yes - we are going home soon!!We'll have quite a nice 'extended' family when we arrive there - I'm anxious to meet you and the so many others on this site - those who send in letters to John and those who lurk. My brother is one of those lurkers. He's watching with us.We're all watching for His return and listening for that 'last trump'!We'll hook up on the other side! All we'll have to do is mention John Tng and Five Doves - we'll find all of us. We'll do a lot of praising the Lord with those who've gone before us and those arriving new - we've been watching and waiting a long time...I'm thankful you are a Watcher and are helping us prepare for what's coming...The Lord bless you!Maranatha!Chance