Chance (14 July 2024)
"Pastor Dana Coverstone and Conestoga Wagon Dream"

Hello John and Doves,
Elliot Hong's letter last week brought to mind a couple of Pastor Dana Coverstone's dreams - the Rotunda dream (see my other Doves letter today) and the Conestoga Wagon dream.
The Conestoga dream may be prophetic for this year - this summer.
In this dream there is a Conestoga wagon barreling towards Trump.  The wagon has a team of mules pulling it.  Harris has the reins and the whip and Joe is riding one of the mules - she's whipping him along with the mules.  The wagon is full of boxes labeled TNT.
Back in my letter 7 Feb 2021, I wrote that this wagon represents the Biden/Harris presidency.  They want to destroy Trump and his presidential run and his campaign. Right before the wagon hits Trump, it blows up.  Harris is left in tears and Biden is lying on the ground with wheel prints across his body.  Trump escapes unharmed as he runs toward 'the beast' - the presidential limousine.  On the way, there are 3 assassination attempts - but he's protected.
There is much more in the dream - this is just the part I wanted to write about for this letter.  I see this dream much different than I did back in 2021 - so much has happened since then.
Are we seeing the "conestoga wagon' exploding now?  Harris has definitely been preparing to take over the presidency or even replace Biden as the candidate - thus Harris driving the wagon and whipping Joe. 
The DNC has rules in place for replacing their presidential candidate - 
The take down of the Biden/Harris campaign/administration would be represented by the wagon exploding.  Leaving Trump to be the only viable presidential candidate?
Interesting dream.  I see Dana's dreams as prophetic...not for the year he had them - but for a future year.  Is this the year?
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!