Steve Coerper (16 July 2023)
"Re: EAR (9 July 2023) 'The Rider on the White Horse'"

Dear John and Doves:

First, my thanks to "EAR" for - - in response to my previous post.  Well-written and well researched.  Certainly coherent and a solid support for a preterist or historical understanding of Rev. 6:2.

Of course, there are some of us who think (and I'm not sure I'm among them) that the four horsemen and their activities follow the rapture. 

As I mentioned to Donna Danna, this may be moot.  If it's as late in the game as Victoria Nuland has suggested, we could well have all our answers before this response can be posted.  But in any event, you've given all readers on this forum an excellent presentation on why the rider on the white horse may be the Holy Spirit.  And again, I can't disagree with your conclusion.  This "dense and multifaceted image" may yield more than we expect.

Very best,
