Neil Lipken (30 July 2023)
"The Congressional Hearings on UFO's---look at this fascinating Scripture passage!"

John 10:14-16 in the New Testament states, "I am the good shepherd; and I know My own, and My own know Me, even as the Father knows Me and I know the Father; and I lay down My life for the sheep.  AND I HAVE OTHER SHEEP, WHICH ARE NOT OF THIS FOLD; I must bring them also, and they shall hear My voice; and they shall become one flock with one shepherd."

Jesus (Israel's long rejected Messiah) states here that He has "other sheep which are not of this fold".  Clearly Jesus is referring to people around the world (the gentiles) who are not of Israel.  But have you ever wondered if this passage might also refer to intelligent life which is not on earth?   I have wondered this very point for many years.   Our sun is a very insignificant star in the outer bands of our Milky Way Galaxy.   I don't have figures to quote here, but there are myriads of stars in our galaxy, and there are myriads of galaxies.  Recently our astronomers have discovered that many, many stars in our galaxy have planets orbiting them.   So, although Jesus in the above passage was referring to the gentiles on earth, might He also have been referring to life beyond earth?   This is a very interesting passage of Scripture to say the least!   Can we be so smug to believe that with the unfathomable number of stars in the universe, that earth is the only planet with intelligent life?  After all, God created the universe, and He creates life.

I personally believe that many of our unanswered questions like this one will be answered after the soon upcoming Rapture when we (those who know Christ) begin our life with the Lord forever, and in resurrection bodies!   So, hang on to your hats!   Israel is now more than 75 years old, and from the "parable of the fig tree" in the Bible, the "generation" which sees Israel's return as a nation (1948) will see the fulfillment of all end time Bible prophecy!   Ahead of us is the Rapture, subsequent 7 year Tribulation Period, and finally the Second Coming of Israel's long rejected Messiah, Who is Christ.  The Rapture should now be drawing very close!

Isn't it fascinating that late in these End Times Congress has decided to make the UFO information public?!   When the upcoming Rapture occurs, those left on earth (not knowing Christ, Israel's Messiah, as their Lord and Savior) by and large will not go to the Bible for answers, but rather will believe that aliens abducted these people (Christians) off the earth!   In time after the Rapture during the Tribulation Period, some will come to realize the truth, that Christ came to take His people off the earth.

If any of you receiving this email have any comments on this topic, please feel free to email me!   And feel free to send this email to friends and family if you wish.

P.S.   In the UFO hearings in Congress, it has been well established that these UFO's are indeed real with real extraterrestrials in them!   So, just who are these folks who have been visiting earth for a very long time?   Angels?  Actual extraterrestrial beings and not angels?  Demonic beings?  Beings from a different dimension?   Again, I welcome any of your comments.  Several pastors are receiving this email, and your comments are welcome also!   Two Jewish rabbis are also receiving this email, and please don't get angry, as references to Jesus are all over the Old Testament!   Remember that Jesus is Jewish, and He is our Messiah (I am Jewish too).