Luis Vega (30 July 2023)
"REVELATION 12 SIGN - Maiden Monster and Man-Child"



by Luis B. Vega 

‘And a Great Sign appeared in Heaven: a Woman clothed in the Sun, with the Moon under her Feet and a Crown of 12 Stars on her Head. She was Pregnant and crying out in the Pain and Agony of giving Birth. 


Then another Sign appeared in Heaven: a Huge Red Dragon with 7 Heads, 10 Horns, and 7 Royal Crowns on his Heads. His Tail swept a .33 of the Stars from the Sky, tossing them to the Earth. And the Dragon stood before the Woman who was about to give Birth, ready to devour her Child as soon as she gave Birth. 


And she gave Birth to a Son, a Man-Child, who will Rule all the Nations with an Iron Scepter. And her Child was Caught-Up to GOD and to His Throne. And the Woman fled into the Wilderness, where God had prepared a Place for her to be Nourished for 1,260 Days’. -Revelation 12;1-5 


Do you all remember the Revelation 12 Sign? Do you remember all the contrived Hype and Sensationalism that accompanied it? It took on a Life of its own. And it was attributed to have been the ‘Rapture’, at that Place and Time, September 23, 2017. One attempted in vain to avert the Hijacking of the Narrative that took away from the Sign and its Prophetic Significance. It suffered because of Man’s ‘Own Interpretation’. The purpose of this posting is to provide one’s Book, titled the Great Wonder of Virgo, the Maiden, Monster and Man-Child that was written in 2016. 


If any one of you wanted to know where the ‘Sign’ came from or its Origins, this Book is one’s Perspective of how it all got started. And, how one surmises that it might very well be. How so? One is now more convinced that the Revelation 12 Sign was and is a 7-Year Countdown Warning to the actual Rapture Event. Now, as to the Date? Not going there. At this Point in Time, one is just venturing to strongly suggest that it will be in 2024. The 7-Year Time Span is 1 Sabbath Count and would not be surprised if that could very well be its Prophetic Shelf Life, at least as it pertains to the ‘Catching-Up’ of the Bride of Christ. 


One was greatly intrigued by the 1 Year Anniversary of the 1st Space Image transmitted back by the James Webb Infrared Telescope. In the following Article below, one surmises that the Image of the ‘Revelation 12 Sign’, to look like the Motif of the Chapter is or will be a 1 Year Warning. Perhaps. One is not Adamant or Dogmatic about this, other than that the Year, 2024, fits with one’s present 7-Year Tribulation Timeline. 



James Webb Infrared Telescope on its 1 Year Anniversary​ 


Nonetheless, the Book chronicles the Study into this Celestial Sign since 2008-09 and then beginning with the publications on Rapture Online Sites in 2010. As the Study and Research developed, one was convinced at the Time, and to this Day, that this Heavenly Sign would and is one of the most Important ‘Signs’ to be given to the Body of Christ. Why? It was and is because in one’s Estimation, a Sign is of the coming Rapture that will ‘Punctuate’ the End of the Church Age. 


As one of the Original Researchers into the Red Dragon Anomaly, one tried to interject that 1 of the 1st Rules in Interpreting Signs dealing with Eschatology. It is that ‘The Sign is never the Event’. Thus, the Rapture would not, could not have taken place back in 2017, obvious. But one experienced the same Issue and Response into the New Understanding that the Pentecost of Acts 2 was the Feast of New Wine, etc. This Axiom, helps one keep a Sane and Sober Check into going off into one’s ‘Own Interpretation’, etc. One highly recommends it. 

Even though the Sign came and went, one had and has continued to Research the Revelation 12 Sign with many subsequent Articles. These have been based on Observations that were subsequent, and coming from what one calls, ‘Tributary Signs’ . These are the Signs and/or Events related back to the Sign that occurred now as of this Posting concluding its 6th Year and entering its 7th Year in 2024. And? Much like the same Sensationalism surrounding the latest Rapture Date, the Sign has served to ‘Purge’, Divide and Separate within the Body of Christ. 


You saw the Best of the Body of Christ and the Worst come out, as is the case with the Av 9 Rapture Date Theory. And how this was the ‘True Pentecost’ of the Feat of New Wine. Again, as with the Revelation 12 Sign, as one was one of the 1st to Research this and publish since 2018, the Pentecost New Wine Understanding took a Life of its own. That was welcomed and not a Problem. What was then and is now again occurring is, how the simplistic Assertion was Hijacked and Sensationalized by Man’s ‘Own Understanding’ and has taken away from the Theory to damage it as with the Revelation 12 Sign.

Thus, this is why one is highlighting this Book, that was originally written back in 2016, is that one believes the Sign is not over and ‘Still is Speaking’, Prophecy. How So? One will be sharing future Articles in helping develop this Premise that the very ‘DNA’ of the Sign suggests or ‘tells’ when the Timing or Season of the Rapture is to occur. With such a foundation and understanding perhaps the study of the Virgo Sign will be more Significant and Pressing as 2024 approaches. One wishes to provide this Book as a Free Download for this Online Community. 

Free Download for Online Community: Great Virgo Sign

Purchase a Copy Online to Support one’s Work.   


Great Virgo Sign 

Thank You in Advance.


Prologue………………………………..……..……….     11

Celestial Red Dragon ……………………..…………      23 

Witness of the Stars……………………….……….....    35
Matrix of the Sign……………………………........…..     51 

Birthing of the Man-Child……………………...…..….     67 

Womb of the Woman………………….…….……..….    81 

Tetrad-Virgo Connection………….…….………..……    87 

Comet 67p Conjunction……………………………….     91 

Jubilee Comet………………………………………….    111 

Enmity of the Seeds…………………………….….…     119 

Rapture of the Man-Child…………………........…….    127 

Christ Stars…………………………………….…….…    133
Virgo-Orion Connection……………………………….     153
Great Pyramids Alignment……………………...…….    161
Woman of Prophecy……………..…………………….    173 

Sons of Jacob Virgo Pattern………….……………….   185
Revelation 12 Sign Menorah…………………...…….    193
Jupiter’s Retrogrades…………………………...…….     203 

Wonder of the Woman…………………………...……    215 

Conception Comet………… …………………….…...     231 

Gestation Period Pattern………………………………    241
Lion of the Tribe of Judah……………………………..    251 

Dragon Satellites………………………..………...……   255 

HIP 666 Stars of Virgo………………….……..……….   263 

Adjudication of the Accuser ……………………..…...    273
Revelation 12 Sign Composite……………………….     279
Revelation 12 Sign 5-Years…………………………..     301
Is the Revelation 12 Sign still Relevant?..................     317 

Revelation 12 Sign Man-Child?................................    331 

Revelation 12 Sign Echoes……................................    337 

History of the Revelation 12 Sign…………………….    345 

References…………………………………….….........    349 

ABC’s of Salvation……………………………………..    351 

Book References……………………………………….    359 


© 2016-2023 PostScripts Publications
Revelations 12

Woman of Wonder 





Category: Education and Language 

Copyright: All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License

Publisher: Lulu 

Binding: Paperback 

Interior: Color 

Dimensions: US Trade (6 x 9 in / 152 x 229 mm) 

Publication Date Revised: Dec 5, 2020 

Language: English 


ISBN: 97817163660770 



Research and Postings 


The following is Link to a PDF Packet of how one lays-out the Evidence of Charts and Studies that suggest one was one of the 1st End Times Researchers that Studied and Posted Material online regarding the Revelation 12 Sign, specific to the Planets ‘Birthing’ in Virgo.

History of the Research Journey
In 'Discovering' the Revelation 12 Sign.
Evidence of Authorship.

One is not claiming to be the 1st, but sure before most that claim to have been the 1st. Many of the Links are Broken and Videos are no longer Current. Many References no longer Exist either or have been Deleted or Pulled-Down. 
