Luis Vega (16 July 2023)
"CLIMATE COUNTDOWN CLOCK - Marking July 23, 2029 (723)"



Marking July 23, 2029 (723) 


by Luis B. Vega  


The purpose of this study is to investigate the Luciferian Globalist Climate Countdown Clock of ‘6 Years 24 Days’ that was Broadcast on June 29, 2023. On that occasion, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom along with King Charles had a Ceremony where the ‘Button’ was pressed and the Climate Countdown Clock started-up. The Numbers that were started with, were ‘6 Years 24 Days’. Thus, by July 23, 2029 is when all Industrialized Nations are to be Compliant with Carbon Emission. It is really a ruse for Destroying and De-Industrializing the 1st World. 


Nonetheless, in terms of Numerology, one also sensed something was and is ‘Up’. It is the case whenever those Globalist Luciferians are up to their Old Esoteric Number’s Game and Enchantments. It is very Real and Important to them and yet, they Mask it in doing ‘Good’ for Humanity or to ‘Save the Planet’. It is, on the Contrary. They seek to reduce Human Population to less than 500 Million and exploit all the Natural Resources on the Planet for themselves, etc.

When one saw that ‘6 Years 24 Day’ Count, Ah Ha! One knew that it was extremely Significant. Based on what one can Ascertain, at the moment with what one has to work with, there is what one came up with. It is really the ‘Usual Suspects’ Encrypting their ‘Numbers Signs’ and ‘Flashing’ them as would Thugs and Gangster Types. Now what that will be is up for Debate, but ‘Thanks’ to Sheila at the End Times Blog, Revelation12Daily for Crunching the Numbers. Yes. Amazing how July 23 or 723 is coming out, in a sense. Here is what she wrote.

‘Also strange in re to Lu’s “723” is that climate doomsday clock setting yesterday with King C3 counting down the next 6 years 24 days which would land on 7/23/2029. I kept wondering why “6” years and “24” days? I haven’t yet seen their rationale for that specific count, but I feel sure that end date of 7/23/2029 is not a coincidence’. And sure enough.

June 29, 2023 + 6 Years 24 Days = July 23, 2029 (723)

One took the July 23, 2029 (723) End Date of the ‘6 Years and 24 Days’ from the Broadcast of the Climate Clock Countdown and saw how many Days that was from the Passover of that Year in 2029. How one has come to see what they are also ‘Signaling’ is based on the following Mathematical Calculation. The Outcome though, is Pertinent to one’s 2025-2032, 7 Year Tribulation Period Timeline. How so? One surmises that 2029 is the Mid-Point of the Tribulation. If this is to be the case, then March 30-April 1, 2029 is Passover. 

It is About a Countdown

If one then counts the Day from Passover, which could be the Day that the Daily Sacrifices are Stopped by the AntiChrist, then guess how many Days later would be to the Conclusion of the Climate Countdown Clock of ‘6 Years, 24 Days’ of July 23 2029?

113 Days
or 3 Months 22 Days 

(322) Skull and Bones Boys

One is not surprised, as in any Year, from April 1 ‘Fool’s Day’ to a (723) or July 23 Day count, will always be a ‘3 Month 22 Day’ or a 322 Encryption Day Count. Now what one did is how, presently one thinks the Holy Spirit has led us to factor-in a Time Frame of 70 Months. One cannot remember if it was Stephan who noted that from the Revelation 12 Sign, if one added +70 Months, the date would be July 23, 2023, (723) like this Year!

Or that perhaps July 23 (723) of this Year could be when, perhaps a Nuclear WW3 will start or NATO Declaring a Pact or Declaration against Russia, as in Article 5, etc. What one then did is to Reverse Engineer, which one loves to do…the 70 Month Numerical Coefficient from July 23, 2029. And guess what Date that lands on?

July 23, 2029 - 70 Months 

= September 23, 2023 (723) 

= Revelation 12 Sign 6 Year Anniversary

So, as one and others have said before, ‘Something Biblical is going on Here!’ ;0 One thus senses an Overlap between the September 23 (723) and the July 23 (723) Dates. Perhaps it is in some Prophetic Way we do not yet fully Comprehend, but it is unfolding as one speaks, as they say. Here below are some Mathematical Equations regarding the Revelation 12 Sign and that factor of 70 Years.  

Climate Countdown 6 Years 24 Days+ 70 Month Factor to both Day Counts.
King Charles with ‘Trillions’ at ‘His’ Disposal…A 923 and 723 Overlap.

Revelation 12 Sign September 23, 2017 (923) + 70 months
= 5 years, 10 months
= July 23, 2023 (723) 


Revelation 12 Sign September 23, 2023 (923)
+ 70 Months
= 5 years, 10 months
= July 23, 2029 (723) 


July 23, 2029 (723) - 70 Months
= 5 years, 10 months 

Revelation 12 Sign September 23, 2023 (923)

12 Year Cycle?
At this point, what one surmised, was that there is a 12 Year Discrepancy from 2029 and from 2027. Why? The Planet Jupiter Orbital Year. How so? This is what came to Mind 1st, as an Astronomical Inference to the Return of Jupiter in 2029, and thus, the Approximation of the Revelation 12 Sign, which one calls it the 2.0, etc. One wanted to see if one’s Suspensions were substantiated. One did some Research on a possible ‘12 Year Cycle’,


Sure enough, one found an Article on Psychology Today, from 2018 about the latest Theory of how People, for some Unexplained Reason, have a 12 Year Cycle going on in one’s Life. They called it the ‘Year of Revolution’. And if one applies this Psychological Theory to the Prophecy of the Revelation 12 Sign, 2.0, then one can see why it will be Pretending in 2029. Again, one’s Assessment is that 2029 will be the Mid-Point Year of the 2025-2032, 7-Year Tribulation Timeline. Here is a quote from the Article.

‘The results have proven to be astonishing and have caused me to name these first years of a theoretical 12 year cycle, as the “Years of Revolution”, because it appeared to me to be like a personal revolution in so many lives’. 


The other Aspect of this 12 Year Cycle will lead one down a Rabbit Hole of Astrology. In investigating their Take on it, they always attribute the Cycle with a Positive and then Negative ‘Vibe’ or Outcome. In the case of the Jupiter Cycle in 2017, that was a ‘Good Vibe’, etc. But now, when the ‘Next’ 12 Year Cycle of Jupiter, from the last one was a ‘Lucky Sign’, the Subsequent ‘Return of Jupiter’ one in 2029 will be more of a Detriment to a Person, or world in Prophetic Terms. 


REV 12 Sign +70 Months          July 23, 2023              
                                             September 23, 2023               +70 Months REV 12 Sign
                                                                                                      July 23, 2029              
2017 ----------------------------------------2023-------------------------------------2029

Jupiter                                      12 Year Cycle                                 Jupiter 


They described it as being within the Realm of the Ego and Pride puffing-up. What came to mind was how that will be exactly what the AntiChrist will undergo.  OK, having said all that, one can see, that if 2029 is the Mid-Point of the 7 Year Tribulation Period, and that is the Year of Return, of Jupiter in this case, and in Virgo, i.e., Revelation 12 Sign 2.0, then it would Stand to Reason that the AntiChrist will then Puff-Up himself and declare that he is ‘God’ at the Mid-Point of the Tribulation and declare that he is ‘God.

It would make Prophetic Sense, but one will have to see from the Balcony in Glory as this will be well within the Time of Jacob’s Trouble, etc. One realizes that most are making the case for the 2023-2030 Timeline, obviously. And this is perfectly fine. No Problem at all. But as with the 1948 Year Countdown that is also conventionally used to determine the Fig Tree Generation, the Math will eventually run its course.

30 AD and 2030 Year Counts
One proposes the following. It is not that 2030 is the End, but rather the Mid-Point of the Tribulation. More specifically, the Year 2029. But if 2029-30 is the Actual Time that the AntiChrist is to be given 42 Months of Total Control of the entire Planet and even over the Tribulation Saints to ‘Wear them out?’ 'LORD have Mercy'. We think this is bad now, on this Side of the Tribulation? It is that 2030 comes after 2029, obviously. 


But it would be how it would then make sense that the Globalist Luciferians want everything wrapped-up by 2030. Why? That is when their Dark LORD will Rule the Entire World, unabated, Mark of the Beast Time, etc. But that the Year, 2030 is not the End, but a Beginning. And how then, the 1 Day = 1000 Day Prophetic Template will not point to a 30 AD Crucifixion Year of Jesus, etc.

What one is surmising though, is that as presented many Times here, there is that 30 Year Marker plus the 40 Year Marker that led to the 70 AD Destruction of the 2nd Temple. Granted. What one is rather saying, is that what if the Watchers, like the Year 1948 Countdown Year could be the ‘Wrong 30 Numerical Coefficient to countdown from? What if the 30 Year Marker is not of the Year but of a Person? The Savior?

28 AD
Jesus Birthday not until September. 

30 Years Old + 40 Years = 70 AD (2nd Temple Destroyed)

Realize that Jesus did not start His Ministry until He reached His 30th Year, that being September 11, 28 AD. Of course, one is interjecting one’s own Birth Calculation here based on Astronomy, etc. But for the sake of the Argument, consider that it is why Jesus’ 1st Miracle occurred during the Wedding of Cana, one presumes, on or near the Feast of New Wine…say a July ‘White Wheat Wedding?’ As the ‘Natural Wine’ ran out, Jesus was compelled by His Earthly Mother, Mary to ‘Do something about it’.

Could this Wedding Event be on the Feast of New Wine and Corresponding to the Acts 2 Pentecost Day or around that Time Frame towards the End of the Wheat Harvest Timing? Realize that, at that Summer Time, Jesus was still 29 Years Old and could not perform His Work, as in Miracles, or call Disciples yet, per Rabbinical Tradition, one Understands. And being at the Wedding, it was nonetheless the Occasion of Him to perform the 1st Miracle of His Ministry, although ‘Out of Time’ or not yet. That is why He told Mary, ‘It is not my Time yet’, etc.  


But what an Occasion to turn the 6 Empty Vessels later filled with Plain Water, to the Best Wine one ever could have Tasted. Imagine Jesus making Wine for your Wedding, eh!? Anyway, so, 1 of the Points being is, what if this was the Feast of New Wine? It is how Jesus Metaphorically turned the Water that had ‘Run Out’, into Wine, as He will at the Resurrection-Rapture Event, no? That Portion of Passage is rich with Prophetic Metaphors. Like the 6 Empty Vessels that Typify Humanity since the Fall: Empty, Run out of Water, and each for 1000 Years of Human producing ‘Nothing Burgers’ in terms of Redemption, etc.  


But if Jesus comes to the Wedding? That all changes, literally. At the Rapture, it will be at that Time, that one’s Earthen Vessels, as in our Bodies, comprised of 70% Water, plain and dull will be Metamorphosed into New Bodies of the Best Wine Jesus has prepared and ‘Aged’ for nearly 2000 Years. And consider that for a Disciple of Jesus, one’s Vessel has been filled, with the Holy Spirit, as just a ‘Down Payment’ of what the Full will actually entail. Imagine what that will be and look like?!

At the Rapture, Jesus will be giving His Bride, ‘New Wines Skin’, as it were, for the New Wine that will be contained within one’s New Body. If Jesus did this for a Stranger’s Wedding, can you Imagine what will be Given, Presented at His own Wedding!? Thus, if one believes that Jesus was Baptized either in Later Spring or Early Summer, then the 40 Days of Repentance would then not afford Jesus to do any Miracles or start His Ministry. Jesus 1st had to be Tested and Tried and Approved, passing the 3 Tests of Lucifer.

Then, that Time Frame led to the Fall Feasts. And that is where one surmises that on Yom Kippur, it is the Time that He Stood-Up, as it was given to Him to read the Scroll. It happened to be the Isaiah Year of Jubilee where Jesus Proclaimed it in their Hearing. In a sense, once the Rapture Event occurs, the same Call to Liberate one’s Body from this Earthly Dimension will also occur. The Bride of Christ will be Set Free from the Bondage of Sickness, Sin, Sorrow, Suffering and Death.
