Gerry Almond (30 July 2023)

July 28, 2023


God's people are so hyped up, it is necessary for one thing to pass before saying anything about another. Let me start by saying this: The sign from 1988 to 2022 of the lifespan of Jesus Christ causing His Royal sign to complete His very name, 888, that is 44.4 cycles in 33 plus 4.44 cycles in 2022 of 280 days in each occurrence is beyond the pale. Twice His lifespan is 24,864 days or 888 cycles. 280 day counts are extremely important to God. Example the 490 years of Daniel's prophecy is 630 cycles of 280 days. The final week of 7 years is 9 cycles of 280. From July 4th it is one cycle of 280 days to April 8, 2024 when the great X occurs of America. And finally, from July 4, 2023, our national sign of rapture time given by several watchers is 280 days before the great X caused by a solar flare crosses the U. S. A. THERE IS SIMPLY TOO MUCH TO IGNORE.

Jesus clearly said that on a day we were not expecting,, the Son of man comes. He said that!! We need to listen to that. So what day do we not expect? Try August 3, 2023 as our rapture day. Try July 27 as our 7 days alert.

What greater warning or alert could we have than for everyone expecting Jesus to come with one voice saying this is it? That culminated on July 27. I believe He will be here in one week's time. I can show you why, although I know most may reject it. It doesn't matter to the Lord so much as whether we are ready on “a day (ie date) ye think not. I have written about this before, without success in convincing anyone, so I stopped. But now it makes total sense and may “fill in the time gap”.

II Kings 20 says, “In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death. And the prophet Isaiah, the son of Amoz came to him and said unto him, 'Thus saith the LORD, Set thine house in order; for thou shalt die, and not live. Then he turned his face to the wall, and prayed unto the LORD, saying, 'I beseech thee, O LORD, remember now how I have walked before thee in truth and with a perfect heart, and have done that which is good in thy sight'. And Hezekiah wept sore”. In the passage that followed, God sent Isaiah back to Hezekiah to say that God had extended his life by fifteen years.

The question is what did God do, if anything, to extend his life? His word is all that it took. But, the king, Hezekiah, like all good Jews, wanted a sign. Verse 8 says, “And Hezekiah said unto Isaiah, 'What shall be the sign that the LORD will heal me, and that I shall go up into the house of the LORD the third day?' And Isaiah said, 'This sign shalt thou have of the LORD, that the LORD will do the thing that He hath spoken: shall the shadow go forward ten degrees, or go back ten degrees?' And Hezekiah answered, 'It is a light thing for the shadow to go down ten degrees: nay, but let the shadow return backward ten degrees.' And Isaiahi the prophet cried unto the LORD: and He brought the shadow ten degrees backward by which it had gone down in the dial of Ahaz. I suggest that is ten days.

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has put its two cents iworth in, saying that the earth had to turn backward some how or if not, the land mass on which Hezekiah stood had to move. It is an unexplained event in world history, lost to us due to the antiquity of it (circa 675 B. C). But it is not lost to God Almighty. Please read on.

I recall reading a report done by two senior students at Princeton University (I think it was Princeton, not sure). There is one possibility within the Bible account that, if what I think is true, would make our rapture yet a week away. I am referring to the possibility that those PHD seekers were right in their proposal that the ten days backward movement of the shadow of the sun on the great agricultural sun dial in Hezekiah's inner court actually delayed the calendar by ten days. If so, from July 4, we would need it to be July 14. If so, the 21 days war in heaven would have ended August 3, that is August 3/4, 2023 And the Laodicea harvest would end 120 days later on December 1, 2023, still in the Autumn season.

God is never late, nor early, but right on time. He did not come July 25 or July 27, so there must be a future date.

Hezekiah was evidently outside of the palace and in the inner court with Isaiah and in proximity to a sun dial, not a teeny backyard one like we think of, but a circle of 360 stones, one for each day of a year. It was these stones on which he wanted the sun's shadow to retreat 10 degrees (stones which would be ten days). The PHD seekers then developed a thesis of how this could be done. Their answer, after much research, was to have a comet hit earth on the non-populated side (that which today is the Americas) and at an oblique angle, with sufficient force to cause the land mass to move over the molten center at an eliptical path, moving ancent Israel from 17 degrees in southern hemisphere to 17 degrees in the northern hemisphere and to about the same northern latitude as it was in the southern hemisphere. Further, their calculations and research verified that a heavenly body struck and formed what we call the Gulf of Mexico today, emptying the huge massive Mississippi basin into the massive hole dug out by the comet's collision with earth, causing the body of water to rapidly remove from what is now Illinois, Missouri, Arkansas and Louisiana leaving only a trickle that we call the Mississippi River today. The evidence for a very rapid loss of the water is found in Illinois, for example, etched in the walls of the cliffs at Alton, Illinois which indicate a 6 foot drop in the water level every 6 days or so. Furthermore, core samples taken from the Gulf indicate the remains of a comet in the bottom of the Gulf, proving that it was formed by a comet. And furthermore, this would verify why Abraham saw the southern cross constellation and so did Hezekiah, until this event, when the southern cross constellation was no longer visible to the Israelis. It is almost as if God took the southern cross away to complete their blindness, spiritually, speaking. If this is true, then we need to concentrate on Thursday, August 3. This is way too much to be coincidental.

Finally, is this why we could not know the day or hour? Maybe. So........

Move it all 10 days

Sept 12/13 to 22/23, 1988 Sept 26/27 to Oct 6/7, 2020 plus 280 days to July 13/14, 2023 plus 21 days war in heaven to Thursday, Aug 3/4, 2023


Gerry Almond