Fay (30 July 2023)
"The Niger Coup. Guess who is Showing Up?"


Hi John and Doves,

The latest news on the military coup in Niger would ordinarily be a case of 'That's Africa, baby' and pass us all by. In today's world, where all is being revealed, we know that the end-times plot doth thicken. Reading the details, we now know that Niger holds one of the world's largest deposits of Uranium!! I wonder who engineered this coup? Prigozhin appears very keen to stick his oar in - under the guise of 'freeing' Niger from it's colonial masters. To add to the dross - France was the last coloniser of Niger. It is now clear that Niger's Uranium is highly prized and the tussle over this country is now in progress.

Evil men waxing worse and worse!

'Exiled' Russian mercenary boss Prigozhin hails Niger coup, touts services (msn.com)