Fay (30 July 2023)
"Who are 'The Many'?"


Hi John and Doves,

Our LORD Jesus came to save the Jewish people. His job was to 'confirm THE Covenant' with The Many. He did not come to address the entire world. He came to save the Jewish people - first and foremost. In Genesis 22:17-18 God promised an aging Abraham that he would have as many offspring as the stars in the heavens and the grains of sand on the seashore. I believe this constitutes the meaning of 'many'. In Genesis 22:18 it says "and through your offspring, all nations on earth will be blessed because you have obeyed me". I have linked the whole of Genesis 22 for your perusal.

Genesis 22 NIV - Abraham Tested - Some time later God - Bible Gateway

I believe that we can all agree that LORD Jesus came to confirm The Covenant with the Many - the Jewish people. Daniel 9:27. Only in Acts 9:15 (some disagree and point to other scriptures) did The Word begin to go out to the entire world.

Acts 9:15 NIV - But the Lord said to Ananias, “Go! - Bible Gateway

It all began with the Jewish people and will end with the Jewish people. Almighty God CHOSE the Jewish people - He ELECTED them. Therefore - they are 'the elect'. The Jewish people had no thing such as choice, as have the gentiles. We choose to be children of God of our own free will. The Jewish people suffer because they are the Chosen. The Elect. They are expected to obey - regardless. We gentiles are allowed to make up our own minds.

Matthew 24:12 tells us that 'the love of many will grow cold'. I previously thought this meant that the world would begin to dislike the Jews, yet again. I now believe this passage means that the love of the Jewish people for each other, will grow cold. Because of the rift in Israeli society today - the love between the Jewish people has grown cold. This is a definite end-time sign. The love and harmony in Israel is now at boiling point. And the controversy is about the divide between the religious and the secular. Israel has been given her choice.

We are in the end times.

Praying for the peace of Jerusalem and the soon arrival of our beloved, precious LORD Jesus.