Elliot Hong (30 July 2023)
"10 Reasons Why Tu B'Av Could Be It"

Dear Doves:

1) As I suggested in the previous letter, Tu B'Av, the day of Love and Romance pictures the Marriage of the Lamb.

2) Jews read the Book of Ruth on Shavout.
    Tu B'Av, Valentine's Day in Israel was originated from the story of Judges chapter 21.
    Since the theme of Ruth is matched with the theme of Judges chapter 21, Shavout is connected with Tu B'Av.

3) John Lawler received the message that there will be a big explosion when the moon is in top of it's phase.
     It could indicate the full moon of Av(8/2).

4) SD of 1 Thessalonians 5:3 could be a nuclear explosion which fits to 2 Peter 3:10.
    The movie "Oppenheimer" was theatrically released on 7/21/23.
     Was it a warning that a nuclear explosion is coming?
     It's 13 days from 7/21 to 8/2.
     13 means Apostasy and Rebellion.
     8/2 is 30 days from US Independence Day.
     8/2 is 233 days(7 months 21 days) from the day when Biden signed Respect for Marriage Act into law.
     The Fat Man plutonium bomb was dropped on Nagasaki on 8/9 in 1945.
     70 years later on 8/9/15, the image of Kali was projected upon the Empire State building.
     Kali is the Hindu goddess of Death and Destruction.
     Was it a hidden message that a False Flag for mass destruction will be carried out in NY? 
     8/2 is 7 years 11 months 24 days from 8/9/15.

5) Genevieve Brazel received "The Midnight Cry" and "On The Third Day You Will Rise."
     If SD occurs on 8/2 as the midnight cry, the Remnant will rise on 8/4.
     3 days from 8/2 to 8/4 fit to $2.34.

6) 8/4 is Av 17 which is 4 months from Nisan 17 and 4 means Door.
    17 means Victory and is the number of 153 fishes.

7) 8/4 is 2 years from the 60th birthday of O and 2 means Separation.
     8/4 is 11 years from the day when the US Flag fell on the ground during London Olympics 2012.
     11 means Chaos and Judgment.

8) Shavout 2023 was from the sunset of 5/27 to the sunset of 5/29.
     8/4 is 70 days from 5/27.
     8/4 is 70 months 12 days from the Rev.12 Sign.

9) Silva Shirry received a 10 day warning which will be 3 days(Jesus in the grave) + 7 days(Noah's Ark).
    But the Lord didn't say that 3 days come first.
    If Tisha B'Av was the day of Separation, 7 days (7/27-8/2) could be a period that the Remnant is in the ark.
    And 3 days(8/2-8/4) could be a period as like the Lord was in the grave.

10) If the Remnant will witness for 40 days from 8/5 to follow the foot steps of the Lord, it comes to 9/14.
      9/14 is a day before Rosh Hashanah on 9/15.
      If the Almighty begins to deal with Israel from the new year of the Jewish Civil calendar, all puzzles fit.

This message says "The Day is Imminent! It is All About to Happen!"

Hopefully this is it.