Elliot Hong (16 July 2023)
"Moments Away and 7/17-7/27"

Dear Doves:

This message says "Moments Away" as below.
A question is how long "Moments Away" will be.

Pearl Kolleri received 717 as the Rapture Code several years ago.
Could it be meant 7/17 this year? 
It's 10 days from 7/17 to 7/27 which is Tisha B'Av.
In the previous letter, I explained why Tisha B'Av could be the day of Separation.
717 and 727 are chiasmus.
And Silva Sherry received 10 day warning which will be 3 days + 7 days.
3 days from 7/17 is 7/19 which is Av 1.
7 days from Av 2 is Tisha B'Av. 
7 days from Av 2 to Tisha B'Av fit to $2.34 and the Charity's count.

Above sister Linda also published youtube on 6/17 as below.
It said "Final Boarding Call for Flight 727" "Enter the Ark" "Rapture, Snatching away, 727"
It's 40 days from 6/17 to 7/27.
7/27 is 60 days(2 months) from Shavout.

Hopefully this is it.