Donna Danna (16 July 2023)
"REPLY TO NANSINGS-- The Grigori Are Too Huge To Have Sex With Women"

I had another thought that I would like to add to my 7/09 post REPLY TO NANSINGS -- Sodom & Gomorrah; The Sons of God or Grigori (   

You said that the Grigori had a human appearance and that their size was greater than the giants.  It is not possible for someone greater in size than a giant or even a giant to have sex with a woman because the Grigori's procreation body parts would be too huge.  

I still believe that the fallen angels had sex with women by shapeshifting down to the size of a normal man with normal sized procreation body parts.  If the fallen angels had no seed, is it not possible that they went into their wife and removed some of her eggs and then put some of their dna inside the eggs and then put them back into her womb.  In other words they cloned themselves.  Just another possibility.