Chance (30 July 2023)
"Oversight Committee UFO Whistleblower Hearing: July 26 Follow Up"

Hello John and Doves,
The Oversight Committee had their UFO whistleblower hearing on July 26.  The three witnesses were introduced and each gave a 5 minute talk.  Then members of the committee were given time to comment/ask questions.
The DoD will deny everything...but this UFO/UAP topic isn't going away any time soon.
If you have time to listen to each man's 5 minute talk - it's well worth it.  It's a bit over two hours long. (Shorter clips follow.)
 run time 2:10:01
Here are some short clips of some topics that stood out:

(181) UFO whistleblower says U.S. recovered nonhuman "biologics" from crash sites - YouTube
run time 5:14
run time 5:19
run time 6:18
run time 00:48
run time 5:30
run time 1:50
run time 14:15

Comments were made about national security - would the announcement of the objects themselves be a national security problem?  No one thought so.  As just information on the objects could be released.
However, It was noted that these UFOs are a security risk to the U.S. These objects have been known to block radar, shut down photographing equipment, shutdown nuclear weapons systems, move at super fast speed and appear and do whatever and then disappear just as quickly.  Ignoring them is not the approach to take for our security. 
I do not believe that the DoD is 'ignoring' these - I believe they know what we're dealing with.  And that they have been secretly collecting this information and following up with black ops from the get go - they know these entities are dangerous and are far more advanced than us - but being greedy for knowledge/power they are acting in cahoots with these things.  Gleaning what they can.  In exchange for what?
Comments were made repeatedly that pilots - military and commercial - need a safe and unhindered platform to relay what they witness - if this is a military database it will get buried and military pilots will be 'censored', careers ruined.  These witnesses need protection.  Also, a public site needs to be created for the public to report what they see.
I would really like to see more put into what these things are and where are they from.  Much more than a database to collect the stories.  Exactly what will come of the database and who will follow up with this?  But this committee is very limited in the scope of this topic.  And I believe that they are way behind where many Americans are on this topic.
In a previous Doves letter on UFOs, I wrote that I think it would be a lot more shocking and disconcerting to the general public if the DoD said these are of a demonic origin than an announcement that the DoD is working with 'aliens from another galaxy'.  Fallen angels would point to the existence of God and truth in The Bible. 
It's just ridiculous not to come clean - the only reasons being Russia and China are listening and they may face world outcry to come clean too with their crashed/UFOs/alien technology.  Possibly the real reason could be that those 'high up' in this cover up know from whence these UFOs come - demonic origin/fallen angels.  That certainly would keep them from wanting the public to know that they are in cahoots with fallen angels.  Fallen angels shared their knowledge with man thousands of years ago.  And now man is trying to get his greedy hands on as much of this 'new knowledge' that's, basically, fallen right into his lap via crashed/captured UFOs.  Competing with the Russians/Chinese/etc who have their own UFOs to reverse engineer.
And these UFOs, being unlucky enough to get shot down, or crash, or 'fall from the sky'...only for man to take them and use them to glean 'very advanced' knowledge.  A gift or an accident?  Either way, man will use them most likely not for the good of all mankind but to further his greedy, evil agendas.  Otherwise, THEY would have shared UFO existence from the beginning.
But like I wrote above, would these men share the source of this 'advanced technology' with the public if they knew it was from fallen angels?  Would the public approve of taking this technology from demonic entities?
That would be a Pandora's box they wouldn't want to open...then mankind would have to address demons and angels...and God.  Oh, no!
I didn't watch all of the hearing, but what I did watch a good part of it; members of the committee were very respectful and wanted more information.  Looks like many believe there has been and is an on going cover up.
The DoD will deny, deny, deny.  And block Congress from getting any information about UFOs that would expose their research, the funding for this, what they really know, etc.  And their projects are probably very compartmentalized - so it's hard to see the 'big picture'.
Like with the Chinese spy balloon - that was a DoD cover up and the MSM pushed the cover story!  The DoD has great influence over the MSM.
I hope that this committee continues pushing on this topic and I hope that more and more 'whistleblowers' continue to come forward.  The public has a right to know exactly what the DoD is doing with these 'non-human' biologics.  And if they are other-world aliens or of demonic origin.  Also, I have no doubt that some sightings may be of an angelic origin - on a mission from God.
Many believe that an 'alien abduction' will be the MSM reason for the disappearance of millions of people.  They don't all just 'disappear'/die in a global earthquake at the Rapture.  Some people will see 'something'.  And if the Rapture involves that 'taking' to Heaven like Enoch or like Jesus' Ascension - people witnessed them going up into the sky.  I believe people will 'witness' the Rapture.  That would look like the kind of alien abduction we've heard of and seen in posters/on t-shirts/etc. with animal abductions.
If true,  the DoD would need to have the MSM keep on this topic and would need this committee to continue their quest - they would need this topic front and center with the public if they are also sensing through the Watchmen that the Rapture is very very near now.
Maybe that's why all the whoopla is happening now!
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!