Chance (30 July 2023)
"Pastor Billy Crone vs Dr. Steven Greer on UFOs/UAPs and The UFO Cover For the Rapture"

Hello John and Doves,
Here are two very interesting and very different youtube videos -  Pastor Billy Crone presents his Christian viewpoint of UFOs/aliens and Dr. Steven Greer presents his 'secular' viewpoint of UFOs/aliens.
Years ago, I attended Dr. Greer's Disclosure Project in Boulder, Colorado.  Absolutely fascinating information given by dozens of high-level witnesses (NASA employees, airline pilots, astronauts, military contractors, military officers/pilots, etc.) who came forward as "whistleblowers" to disclose what they have seen/what they know about UFOs, extraterrestrial intelligence, reverse engineering and secret government projects involving 'alien' technology and the cover up to keep all of this top secret.
In the first video below, One America News' Alison Steinberg interviewed Pastor Billy Crone about the recent UFO congressional hearing and in the second video Clayton on Redacted channel interviewed Dr. Steven Greer of the Disclosure Project - also about the recent UFO hearing:
Here are my notes:
Pastor Crone believes this is part of a 'custom tailored' last days deception to explain away the Rapture 'that is next on God's prophetic calendar.  Christians are taken off of the planet.  Millions of people will disappear.  So there needs to be a reason as to what happened to these people.  It's a deception - these are demons.  If we are getting close to this event (the Rapture) happening we should see exactly what we are seeing in the news right now.  Governments around the world have denied aliens/aliens crafts for decades.  A few years ago they admitted there were 'some craft' that seem to be 'alien' - now we are seeing the next step - non-human beings are in these crafts.  This is soft disclosure or predictive programming.
"If you are going to use the alien/UFO thing to explain away the Rapture of the Church then you have to slowly work people up into that.  That's exactly what we're seeing right now."  He's not surprised by all of this recent 'disclosure' because he's convinced this is "the excuse to explain away what happened to those people who disappeared."
Demons are real.  He said that aliens are 'repackaged demons'.  Some secular ufologists have come to the conclusion that aliens are really demons.  These are indeed 'non humans' but they aren't 'aliens' - they are what the Bible calls demons and they are here to explain away the Rapture.
To 'take over the world' THEY would need some sort of global crisis to freak people out in mass in shock and awe.  He thinks this UFO narrative could do just that.  THEY create a crisis, people will surrender their freedoms - if the TV showed aliens showing up all over the world - many people would fall for it.
In this Doves letter 2 Apr 2023 I wrote about the World Government Summit in Dubai where THEY talked about needing a "shock" to shift global society away from the current "world order".  (THEY didn't say what this 'shock' was going to be.  Were THEY referring to the Rapture and the coming "alien disclosure"?)
World Government Summit: 'Shock' Needed to Usher in 'World Order Transformation'
Ronald Reagan commented about how the world would unit if there was a common threat to the world.  Pastor Crone talks about 'messages' some people have received from 'aliens' that sounds very much like a 'rapture' description.  Alien ships taking human beings off the planet.
Pastor Crone said that THEY will start admitting it more and more and this is exactly what is happening right now.
run time 12:24
And here is the Dr. Steven Greer inteview:
run time 21:33
As I wrote in my Oversight Committee Doves letter today:  THEY would need to have the MSM keep on this topic and would need this committee to continue their quest - they would need this topic front and center with the public if THEY are sensing through the Watchmen that the Rapture is very very near now.  And maybe some of THEM can see, based on the prophecies in The Bible - just like we are doing now, that the Rapture is near.
In which case - watch for much more to come out over the next days/weeks.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!