Chance (16 July 2023)
"Donna Danna and The White Horse Rider's Bow"

Hello Donna, John and Doves,
Thank you, Donna, for posting this article from 7/5/2015.  If anyone missed it - below is a link and here's the gist of it -
"What I propose to you is that in Rev 6:2 the antichrist is carrying a rainbow flag or banner because he will be the champion of same sex marriage and gay rights, conquering by using laws designed to eventually, in the near future, jail anyone using hate speech against homosexuals."  'Bow' is from "the Greek word 'toxon", and it means 'a bow, apparently as the simplest fabric.'"  
New Light On The White Horse & Rider Of Revelation 6:2 - Friends N Christ
So the Antichrist would use these laws to come after those who do not accept these perversions, etc. during the Tribulation.  (Or the rider could be a fallen angel or ? with a  'movement' or 'agenda' that's following satan since this is so widespread globally and has begun now, before the Tribulation has started, and those (the Left Behind) who hold to this agenda will be behind enforcing the 'hate speech laws' in a major way during the Tribulation - if one believes the Four Horses of the Apocalypse ride forth during the Tribulation and not before.  We are certainly seeing the birth pains!)
Rev 6:2:  "And I saw, and behold a white horse:  and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer."
And now the rainbow flag is even more inclusive for transgenders in 2023 - it's the Progress Pride Flag.  "This new version includes black, brown, light blue, white and pink stripes, in addition to the original colors of the Pride flag, to recognize and include black, brown, and transgender members of the LGBTQ community."
LGBTQ groups across the US consider a new flag meant to be more inclusive of the transgender community and people of color | CNN
It just didn't make much sense for the rider on the white horse to have a bow and no arrows - how can one go forth conquering and to conquer with just a bow?  (Maybe with laws, rules, Executive Orders, etc.?) Today, this LGBTQ 'movement' is just taking over everywhere - an entire month (June) of this just showed how much THEY want this in our faces, how much THEY want this part of our every day lives and THEY will try to make us accept these perversions as part of 'normal' life. THEY will continue to push their laws for this Evil.  This is demonic to the core!! 
And the WEF ET AL is behind this - pushing companies to be "inclusive" for various incentives THEY offer:   The public thinks that boycotting will change this - nope!  After the Bud Light fiasco, other major companies did similar ads - it's quite obvious, they don't care what the public thinks and the purchasing power of the people doesn't have much of a voice, after all!  There is an AGENDA that they are following.
THEY are like a dog with a bone on this topic!  There are now many 'in our face' advertisements on TV and much trans legislation meant to further divide the country and further manipulate the public.  And this will continue to grow!  Satan has found a a camel with his nose under the tent...the camel is now IN the tent!
Why this big push for a group of people that is about 1% of the entire population?  THEY did the same thing with gay marriage and 'gay rights'.  That was their long battle - but this battle is moving very quickly for them!  "Globally, 1% of adults currently describe themselves as transgender, non-binary, non-conforming, gender-fluid or "in another way", rather than as male or female, according to a new survey."  This is on the WEF website.
1% of adults identify as neither male nor female - Ipsos poll | World Economic Forum
Why has this perversion taken over our TVs, our sports, our universities, our military, our government... for "1% of the population"!  The followers of Satan are behind this.  And look at how well they are doing!!  Absolutely shocking what we have, in many instances, allowed to happen - they took over while we were complacent, trusting, unconcerned, blinded, etc!  THEY have gotten into powerful positions and are making the laws, ignoring the laws, circumventing the laws, controlling the votes, taking over our cities, our churches, our education systems, our military, our government....- and THEY are coming after us!
The WEF is behind this evil - it's all over their websites - they are in cahoots with banks, businesses and governments.  The Covid-19 pandemic gave them the required 'opportunity' to BUILD BACK BETTER!:
Partnership for Global LGBTI Equality (PGLE) | World Economic Forum

Fighting for Transgender Visibility in the middle of the COVID-19 Crisis | World Economic Forum
The rider on the white horse sets out to 'conquer' which means "overcome" - so he sets out 'to OVERCOME so that he might conquer'.  So he overcomes with this LGBTQ+ agenda - taking over every aspect of our lives.  That's exactly what is happening.  They are influencing our shopping, taking over our places of employment, our schools, our governments, our neighborhoods, our city councils, even many of our churches - this evil agenda is "overcoming" everything in our lives.  Spreading like a cancer.  We've never seen anything like this and it's moving with lightning fast speed!
Donna Danna has letters to Doves every week about the latest in the news perversions.    Thank you, Donna!  It's good to know what the enemy is up to.  Being aware is a big part of the battle.  The powers of darkness are moving quickly.
With what is happening now, it sure could be that the rider on the white horse is carrying a flag  - the new Progress Pride Flag.
Donna Danna's letter/with article really does shed some light on this horseman.