Chance (16 July 2023)
"Russia Can Not Risk a Surprise Nuclear Attack and July 11 NATO Summit And What's Happened Since Then"

Hello John and Doves,
In this recent letter,"Air Defender 23 Exercise - Largest AF Exercise in NATO History and F-16s to Ukraine to Carry Nuclear Bombs", I wrote about Joe Biden ET AL insisting that any F-16s shipped to Ukraine be capable of carrying tactical nuclear weapons - B61 nuclear bombs.
Air Defender 23 Exercise - Largest AF Exercise in NATO History and F-16s to Ukraine To Carry B61 Nuclear Bombs
This was shocking information because this means any/all F-16s sent to Ukraine will have the capability of carrying a B61 nuclear bomb - and Russia won't know which F-16 is loaded with a nuke and which one isn't!  (Whose genius idea was that?)
F-16 fighter jets: Biden to let allies supply warplanes in major boost for Kyiv - BBC News
Is there any other way for Putin to respond to this?  No.  "He upgraded the F-16 mission in Ukraine to a "nuclear threat" from the West."  "Any F-16 mission to Ukraine would now be considered a "nuclear threat"...."if any F-16s are delivered to Ukraine, Moscow''s nuclear deterrence doctrine will automatically be activated."  Russia would not know which F16s would be carrying a nuke and which ones won't - they won't wait to try to tell if a nuke is on board - so all must be considered a threat.
"The mere fact that such systems will appear in the hands of the Ukrainian armed forces will be considered a nuclear threat from the West," the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said.  Russia has "already informed the United States, France and the United Kingdom that the possibility of F-16 fighter jets carrying nuclear weapons cannot be ignored."
Russia can not risk a surprise nuclear attack.
Also, after Zelensky and the U.S. have been so vocal about Russia hitting the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant, which would result in NATO's Article 5, Russia has responded with their own threat - "In the event of an explosion at one of the nuclear facilities, which is highly likely, the Kiev regime could then detonate a dirty bomb on the grounds of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.  On the territory of this facility, they may secretly create a dirty bomb or cause a radioactive leak there, which will affect the territories of Belarus and Russia."  It appears that many Russian Federation nuclear facilities are under threat of attack by Kiev.
A Russian political scientist and analyst Yevgeny Stanovsky believes that IF this were to happen, "Russia should strike with strategic nuclear weapons directly at Washington.  It is time to stop assuring the American side of the inadmissibility of using such weapons and to state directly that in case of sabotage of any of the Russian nuclear facilities, the United States will be hit immediately.  This is the only way to avoid such incidents."  Kiev has threatened Russian nuclear power plants with sabotage, drone attacks and bombardments.  Stanvosky believes that if any of this happens, Washington should be hit.
He went on to make it very clear that "...IF something happens, then you're going to be smoke.  We, probably, too, but you - 100 percent!  Then, only then there is a change that it won't happen."  (This is the threat of mutually assured destruction.  Will it work?)
(168) Russia Warns The West/The Final Days are Here. - YouTube
run time 18:26
Vilnius NATO Summit, July 11/12, 2023:
So what happened at the summit and since the summit?
At the summit, the Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda "has called on NATO to establish permanent military bases on the Russian borders and cancel the NATO-Russia Founding Law."  NATO is laying the foundation for a total war with Russia.  The annulment of the Founding Act (1997) which stated no permanent NATO troops in eastern Europe, would then allow the creation of permanent bases in Baltic countries, Poland, Bulgaria, Finland, etc.
(168) Russia Warns The West/The Final Days are Here. - YouTube
President Nauseda "called on NATO to acknowledge that its 1997 agreement with Russia has failed" with the Russian deployment of nukes to Belarus.
NATO-Russia founding act has failed – Lithuanian president
The Founding Act has been hanging by a thread, probably since shortly after the signing!  With NATO biting at the bit to place permanent military installations in Central and Eastern Europe.
There were NEW NATO large-scale defense plans approved at this NATO summit.  It's 4,400 page long document drawn up for the 32 member countries concerning their military capabilities for land, air, maritime, cybersphere and space. It includes an order for 300,000 military personnel to be in 'a state of high operational readiness'.  "The Alliance is also discussing the creation of a second NATO Land Command".  The First Land Command is at Izmir, Turkey.  The Second may be set up at Wiesbaden, Germany.  Also, "...the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of NATO in Europe will be allowed to make more decisions without prior consultation with NATO bodies."  And "...NATO should develop more forces capable of withstanding fierce battles.  There should be more long-range artillery systems and missiles...Other measures include strengthening the protection of underwater pipelines.." - a "new surveillance center is being created."
New NATO defence plans: more forces on the eastern flank, higher combat readiness
And Sweden is moving along to join NATO.  Now that Turkey doesn't oppose their membership - with bribes from the U.S. concerning F-16s and who knows what else!!  But could this still fall through?  (Looks like NATO could use Sweden's help against Russia)
NATO Candidate Sweden Has Military Built for 'Fighting Russia': Expert
So who is the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of NATO?  Well, a U.S. general - who else?  General Christopher G. Cavoli of the U.S. Army.  And who is the Deputy Supreme Allied Commander?  Well, a U.K. general - of course!  General Sir Tim Radford of the British Army.  The top two commanders of NATO from the top two warmongering countries in NATO.
Supreme Allied Commander Europe - Wikipedia
General Cavoli is worried about "the heavy casualties and massive ammunition consumption seen during the war in Ukraine."  He said "The scale of this war is out of proportion with all of our recent thinking...but it is real and we must contend with it.  He is not a supporter of 'soft power' - like diplomacy - but "the great irreducible feature of warfare is hard power..."  weapons, tanks, bombs, munitions, ammo, troops
Scale of Ukraine War 'Out of Proportion' With NATO Planning: Cavoli
After the summit, Biden approved 3,000 reserve troops for deployment - Selected Reserve and the Individual Ready Reserve - to active duty in Europe.  For 'Operation Atlantic Resolve'.
Biden approves 3,000 reserve troops for deployment

This is probably just the beginning of U.S. troop deployments to the Eastern European theatre.  Others aren't liking what Biden et al are doing -
Joe Biden Accused of Wanting 'World War 3' After Calling Up Reserve Troops
The NATO summit was the place where Ukraine was given an increase in security guarantees for their fight against Russia.  Not by NATO- but by the G-7!!
Ukrainian President Zelensky was disappointed about Ukraine not being allowed into NATO.  Not until the war with Russia is over.  But after meeting with Biden, he "received new security guarantees from the G-7, which issued a joint declaration pledging "to provide Ukraine with swift and sustained security assistance, modern military equipment across land, sea and air domains, and economic assistance, among other commitments."  So Ukraine will continue to be a proxy for the U.S., the U.K., etc.  (The G-7 is made up of the U.S., U.K., Canada, France, Germany, Italy, and Japan.
NATO Vilnius Summit: New G-7 Security Guarantees for Ukraine Placate Zelensky After Membership Row
NOTE:  It was NOT NATO that is giving Ukraine 'new security guarantees' - it's the G-7!  And it looks like Biden is their spokesperson.  
Russian isn't liking any of this, of course.   "The Kremlin said today that security guarantees being considered by the West for Ukraine would be a dangerous mistake that would harm Russia's own security...The Group of Seven G7 countries are expected to announce an international framework that would pave the way for long-term security guarantees for Ukraine to bolster the country's defenses against Russia and prevent a future attack, officials said."  Russia responded with, "We consider this move to be particularly wrong and possibly very dangerous..Because by providing any kind of security guarantees for Ukraine, these countries will ignore the international principle of indivisibility of security.  By providing guarantees to Ukraine, they will violate the security of the Russian Federation..."
Russia's response to NATO: "The West's security guarantees in Ukraine are wrong and dangerous" - WarNews247
So Ukraine is being treated like a NATO member even though Ukraine is NOT a NATO member.  And NATO can't let Ukraine enter as a member because that would immediately result in Article 5 - war with Russia.  NATO is already at war with Russia but they are doing it proxy-wise through Ukraine.  And it looks like NATO is in short supply of munitions of various kinds.  And really isn't up for war with Russia.
NATO pushes for common standards to tackle shortfalls in artillery munitions | Reuters
And NATO isn't prepared for a war with Russia - especially after over a year of supplying Ukraine with military equipment/ammunition.... and gotten nowhere.
NATO Allies Would Run Out of Ammo Within Days of War With Russia: Report
And Biden "revealed in an interview Sunday that the United States is apparently running low on munition rounds, even as he defended sending more military aid to Ukraine."
Biden Lets Slip In Interview Sending Munitions To Ukraine Has Left The US Low On Supply | The Daily Caller
That's been in the news for a while about NATO low on ammo/munitions - Russia and China are well aware of our military supplies depletion.
Word was that Victoria Nuland, the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs , supposedly, told Kyiv that WW3 would effectively start on July 11, 2023 - the day of the NATO Summit in Lithuania.  She knew exactly what Biden would tell Zelensky at the summit.  She knew exactly what he'd be promised.  She's a big warmonger against Russia.  Elon Musk calls her the biggest!  And she knows how Russia will respond to all of this.  More will come out about this meeting, but what we're seeing now, supports what she said...More poking the bear!  'Effectively' means:  successful in achieving the results that you want.  NATO - US/UK ETC want war with Russia.  They are preparing and Russia knows this.  If NATO won't keep Ukraine happy, the G-7 will - especially the U.S. and the U.K.! Joe Biden in his big NATO farewell speech said, "We will not waiver.....for as long as it takes."  Is Joe Biden preparing Europe, the West for a long war with Russia?
Some think Joe is pushing the U.S. into war with Russia.  "Democrat presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr claimed that President Biden's mobilization of troops to support Operation Atlantic Reserve is preparation for a "ground war with Russia."  "I want people to understand what this troop mobilization is about," he continued.  "It's about preparing for a ground war with Russia."  Senator Mike Lee said, this European mobilization is "daring Russia to shoot first."
RFK Jr claims Biden troop mobilization is prep for ‘ground war with Russia’
The warmongers really are pushing for war with Russia.  Just a matter of time....
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!