Chance (16 July 2023)
"Is This Another Covid-19 Adverse Event?  Stevens-Johnson Syndrome"

Hello John and Doves,
In this study done at the Concord Repatriation General Hospital (burn center) in Australia, "We report the largest case series of participants developing Stevens-Johnson Syndrome/Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis in the setting of recent Covid infection or vaccination. SJS/TEN is a rare, potentially life threatening mucocutaneous delayed hypersensitivty reaction." 
 With this condition, it can start with flu-like symptoms and rash; the skin begins to peel and blister leaving painful raw areas - this affects the mucus membranes also and can cause extensive damage. This can be very painful - like bad burns.  The outer most layer of skin dies and peels.  Over 100 different medications, like Bactrim/Sulfa drug have been associated with this syndrome.  (A friend of mine was diagnosed with this after taking Bactrim.)
steven johnson syndrome symptoms - AOL Search Results
The authors of this study don't know if the cause is Covid infection, the Covid-19 vaccine or some change in the threshold that a drug would trigger this syndrome.
And it's important to note that:
"From Monday 22 February 2021, Covid-19 vaccinations will begin in Australia."
First COVID-19 vaccinations in Australia | Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care

 In this study:  "We found a seven-fold increase in SJS/TEN since the Covid pandemic.  ((Their own chart Fig 3 "Covid and SJS/TEN cases diagnosed" shows the SJS cases in the first 6 months of 2022 - NOT since the Covid pandemic of 2020 - that's a very misleading statement.)) This increase correlates with an increase in Covid infections and vaccination rates."  "The estimated incidence is 1.6 cases per million per year worldwide with a mortality rate of over 40% in severe cases."  "We observed 14 cases of SJS/TEN in a six-month period, seven times the incidence prior to Covid."  
They note that their "institution managed two to four cases per year, prior to Covid.  In the first six months of 2022, however, we managed fourteen cases.  (Even though Covid 'had been raging in Australia since early 2020 - with lots of Covid cases - this burn center didn't note any increase in SJS or TEN during that time.  Only in the "first six months of 2022" did they see a sevenfold rise in cases.
Five of these cases had Covid in the preceding month.  Three of the fourteen had a Covid vaccine in the preceding month.  "All fourteen cases had received a Covid vaccine."
They present 8 patients (these are not from their fourteen cases - these 8 are published cases):  They note Covid mRNA vaccines given and 'viral vector' Covid vaccines given.  Viral vector vaccines are vaccines that use spike protein DNA instead of mRNA; they use a different virus the delivers the DNA to the cells.  Both tell cells in the human body to create spike proteins.
What is the difference between an mRNA and a viral vector vaccine?
Case 1:  60 year old female with 55% TBSA TEN - that is 55% of her body covered with this skin reaction - she had Covid six weeks prior and she was double vaccinated with a mRNA vaccine.
Case 2:  78 year old female with 60% TBSA TEN.  She had Covid 5 weeks prior.  She was double vaccinated with a mRNA vaccine.
Case 3:  54 year old female with 40% TBSA TEN.  She had Covid 4 weeks prior.  She was double vaccinated with a mRNA vaccine.
Case 4:  26 year old male with 70% TBSA TEN.  He received a mRNA vaccine three weeks prior.  He was triple vaccinated with one mRNA vaccine and two doses of viral vector vaccine (spike protein DNA)
Case 5:  45 year old male with 70% TBSA TEN.  He had Covid four weeks prior.  He was triple vaccinated with a mRNA vaccine.
Case 6:  53 year old female admitted with 95% TBSA TEN.  She received a viral vector vaccine three weeks prior.  She was quadruple vaccinated with previous doses of both viral vector and mRNA vaccines.
Case 7:  47 year old male with 10% TBSA SJS/TEN overlap.  He had Covid four weeks prior.  He was triple vaccinated with mRNA vaccine.
Case 8:  53 year old female with 90% TBSA/TEN.  She received a mRNA vaccine four weeks prior to onset.  She was triple vaccinated with mRNA vaccine.
"..the rapid increase in incidence since the pandemic ((again this is misleading - the pandemic started in 2020; the sevenfold increase happened in the first six months of 2022)) and vaccination is alarming.  It's possible the SARS-CoV0-2 virus is triggering the SJS/TEN.  And it's possible the vaccine is triggering the SJS/TEN.
Cleveland Clinic article on SJS lists causes for this:  Allergic reaction to medication.  Infections like mycoplasma pneumonia, herpes and hepatitis A..  Vaccinations.  Graft vs host disease.  No known cause.
Steven-Johnson Syndrome (SJS): Causes, Rash & Treatments
So a viral infection has been associated with this syndrome.
Cases 4 and 6 and 8 did not have Covid.  That's almost half of the 8 cases presented.  But they were all vaccinated two or more times.  And ALL fourteen of their own patients were vaccinated.  For a total of 22 known patients with this syndrome - and they were all vaccinated.  In their 14 patients they noted that 5 had Covid in the prior month and 3 had a Covid vaccine in the prior month.  Their report states "All fourteen cases received a Covid vaccine."  That seems 'highly suspicious' to me.  And not a single case of SJS/TEN was reported in a non-Covid vaccinated person.
The CDC's Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) lists 198 cases of SJS/TEN post Covid-19 vaccine.  But VAERS may show less than 1% of the actual adverse events.  It would be interesting to know how many of these 198 had Covid prior to their SJS diagnosis.  But they all had a Covid-19 vaccine.
‘Alarming’ Sevenfold Increase in Stevens-Johnson Syndrome Linked to COVID-19 and Vaccine
Out of 22 patients mentioned in this paper with this syndrome:  All were vaccinated with a Covid vaccine.  10 had Covid four to five weeks prior.  12 of the 22 did not have Covid prior to symptoms.  No non-Covid vaccinated person had this syndrome. 
And this burn center reported a seven fold increase in the first six months of 2022 - not in 2020 or 2021 - when Covid was 'rampant'.  And they note:  "We also saw a rapid rise in vaccination rates from January 2022."  Don't think it takes a rocket scientist to to connect these two dots.  It sure looks like the Covid-19 vaccine was the cause of this sevenfold increase SJS/TEN in these patients.
More and more bad things keep coming out about this "vaccine".  And many, many of the researchers are careful in their papers not to directly come out and say the "vaccine" is doing this.  They end them with 'more research is needed.'  Yah, right.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!