Bruce Kessler (30 July 2023)
"Rapture on 8/27/23"


2023 is a year divisible by 7 as in the time of Enoch who was raptured in 989 BC, and Elijah was raptured with chariots of fire and red horses of fire taking him to heaven in a whirlwind leaving his mantle for Elisha—the Bride of Christ rapture( 5% of 8 Billion) may be on 8/27/23( Elul 8, 5783) which begins the  40 days of the Wrath of God with few left alive per Isaiah 24 before Tishri 21 on the Second Coming.


8 x 5 = 40 and 8 means new beginnings in biblical mathematics and 5 means grace---and 40 is a time of testing and probation in the Bible mentioned  146 times.  The destruction of the world by volcanic eruptions and nuclear holocaust will last 40 days to repeat the 40 days of massive flooding during the time of Noah per Genesis 7:6.


2000 minus 7 years = 1993 = 2023-30 for  30 AD when Jesus ascended to heaven ,and the gematria of 1993=1+9+9+3=22 which means LIGHT of the WORLD in Biblical mathematics.  150 x 40 or  120 x 50 6000 years or 2000+2000+2000 for the trinity and then 1000 years for the millennium for 7000 total.


Matthew 10:35 says” the Good Samaritan(“ Type and shadow” of Jesus) gave the inn keeper two denarius to take care of the man with wounds and said he will pay the balance when he returns” with two denarius meaning two thousand years. There have been 1993 years since 30 AD when Jesus was raptured to heaven with 7 perfect  years  to confirm the rapture in 2023 before 5783 ends on Rosh Hashanah.


The gematria of 8/27/23 is 8+2+7+2+3=22 and Shemini Atzeret on Tishri 22( 722) on 10/7/23 may be the celebration of believers in celestial bodies with King Jesus in Jerusalem for the millennium to fulfill Micah 4 with a New Temple built 1500 miles wide and 1500 miles wide per Revelation. There are 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet, 22 epistles, and 22 means LIGHT OF THE WORLD in biblical mathematics.


Bruce A. Kessler