Greg Wilson (11 July 2021)
"Re: Garry B post "Who are They?""

Greg Wilson (6 July 2020)

Re: Garry B post "Who are They?"




Who Are They?


In verse 11 of Revelation 12, "they" are the Jewish tribulation saints who have fled into the wilderness, likely Petra, during the second half of the tribulation or Daniel's 70th week.  They are "remnant Israel" (Romans 9:6, 11:26-27) who will have been keeping the "commandments of God" and have the "testimony" and "faith" of Yeshua/Jesus.(Revelation 12:17, 14:12)  This period of time is when the world, especially the Christ rejecting Jews, suffer Great Tribulation.  It is a time of judgment and condemnation.  Christ's own will have departed planet earth because the body of Christ will not be subject to these condemning judgments. (Romans 8:1, 1 Thessalonians 1:10; John 5:24).   Now, go to Revelation 20:4 and observe that there is a resurrection of the tribulation saints who lost their heads for the testimony of Yeshua/Jesus.  This resurrection is the "third order of the first resurrection".  The first resurrection is the resurrection described by Paul in 1 Corinthians 15:20-24.   Count the orders in these verses: (1) first order was Christ, (2) second order will be "those who are Christ's at this coming [the resurrection/rapture], and (3) the comes "the end" which we see in Revelation 20:4. 


Your statement that the ONLY GROUP that is identified as "overcoming by the blood of the lamb" is the body of Christ.  I would disagree with your limitation.  The life is in the blood. Salvation is of the atoning blood.  It is the blood which atones for sin.   The body of Christ enjoys this life and the blood atonement benefits. (1 Peter 118-19)   I would say that all who participate in the resurrection of righteousness, orders two and three, receive the benefits of Christ's sacrificial blood atonement including the tribulation saints we seek in Revelation 20:4.


The second order of the first resurrection occurs during some period of time prior to the commencement of Daniel's 70th week, a sabbath of years where God purges [Isaiah 27:9; Ezekiel 14:21-22, 20:37-38] the Jew in the furnace of affliction [Isaiah 48:10].  The 70th week is a Jewish dispensation where salvation is based on (1) keeping the commandments of God, (2) having the testimony and faith of Jesus, (3) not taking the mark, and (4) enduring to the end of life or Daniel's 70th week until the Second Advent of Christ.  This is a works and faith period of time.  Our salvation is not based on our works as we see in the Book of Revelation, but by faith along through God's gracious gift of grace. (Ephesians 2:8-9)


Where Did They Come From?


"They" are the tribulation saints who we read about in Revelation 20:4.  They lost their heads for the testimony of Jesus and they are participants in the third order of the resurrection of righteousness.  "They" came out of Daniel's 70th week. 


Thanks for your passion.  Search and study the Scriptures of Truth!




P.S.  I have question for you.   Who are "they" in Daniel 2:43-44 ?  What is the nature of their seed ?  Do they produce 10 hybrid kings ?