Fay (25 July 2021)
"Part 2 of the Pegasus Saga. Yikes!"


Hi John and Doves,

I previously posted about The Guardian breaking-news article about the Pegasus spyware. This is Part 2. The Guardian conducted a short interview with Edward Snowdon today (July 19th) and what he says is enough to make your blood run cold.

I know Almighty God has allowed Covid etc. That's a given. I am gaining understanding as to why. If people haven't begun to even remotely suspect that something nefarious is afoot, then they are truly blind. Short of bashing heads against a brick wall - we can only pray. Only prayer will work. Almighty God is giving people time to repent. To wake up and smell the approaching sulphur. There must surely come a tipping point where ordinary people suddenly sit up and take notice?

Edward Snowden is very unequivocal in his approach to the Pegasus poison...which is already at play. Doves - this is breaking news this Monday July 19th, 2021. What The Guardian news corp has revealed should send seismic shock waves around the world.
