Fay (25 July 2021)
"Psychopaths running the World. Do not Doubt it! Read This!"


China is making it's usual threats. This time toward Japan. China threatening to nuke Japan!! Honestly - they are such pathetic idiots. It's all bluster and bullying. And the media make a munching good meal out of it. I am sick to death of reading about this nonsense.

Think about it....these idiots are in charge of countries. They are supposed to be the qualified adults. *SNORT*. The leaders are supposed to fight to defend their people. *SNORT*. We are dealing with criminal psychopaths who are all vying for world domination. This is no movie or conspiracy theory. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. The political elite have manoeuvred us ordinary people into a corner with the covid stuff. It appears that "they" are united in this cause. But, the evidence is showing that they are still vying for "top spot" with each other. It's a game to them. They are spiritually and emotionally retarded.

I was thinking about the scripture that tells us that the AC will have no regard for the desire of women. Hmmm. Without trying to go into all the translations etc., it occurred to me that this huge push for gender blurring just might be a clue to the AC's agenda. Let's face it - we don't get any women trying to pretend to produce sperm, do we? Not many women are pushing and shoving to get on to men's sports teams. A trans person has just won the Miss Nevada beauty competition. All the evidence points to a cancelling out of women. We are being told that men can...and do give birth! LOL. The title of womanhood is being cancelled out by the moniker "people who menstruate". LOL. And breast feeding has been renamed "chest feeding". Everything points to an outright hatred of women. Think about it. The devil knows his time is short. We must all know our enemy and recognise his tactics.

We are living in the last days, Doves.
