Fay (25 July 2021)
"Flood in New Zealand"


Hi John and Doves,

It's Monday July 19th as I type. I picked up this link from the Rapture Ready website. I have read a few scientific theories that have come out about the world-wide floods that are going on. They are blaming it on the moon and it's wobble. I have no doubt that the moon is being operated by Almighty God. He is in full control. The "climate change" fanatics are predictably banging on about global warming being to blame. It's astonishing that these people honestly think that any human has control of the climate. The moon wobble theory makes much more sense. Although - how come the moon has developed a wobble that is causing such catastrophic flooding? We watchmen know the answer to that question, but why are the majority not asking why? There should be a frantic push for information....but, there isn't.

Be that as it may - floods have happened clear across the world. This short article is about the flooding in New Zealand.
