Fay (25 July 2021)
"The Mixed Multitude aka Erev Rav"


Hi John and Doves,

I could have posted a shed load of links where protests and gatherings have descended into violence but I'm sure you have seen enough of them.

Recently, in Australia, the anti-lockdown protests were besieged by violence. There were varying reports from different areas. The protests started off very peacefully, with people marching and conveying their unease with the totalitarian stance of their government. Enter the "Erev Rav" - the hooligans - the disruptors. Turning a peaceful and fully justified protest into barbaric mayhem. Which allowed the Aussie premiere to castigate the protesters. It allowed the Aussie police chief to call the protesters "Boof-heads". Accusing the protesters of being selfish and implying that they were are stupid, disruptive, uncaring about their fellow human beings etc. The same thing happened at the Capital Hill debacle. That peaceful protest was hijacked by the Erev Rav. The end aim is to brandish the protesters as insane, non-caring about their fellow human beings etc. It has proven to be a rather clever tactic. The media brand the protesters as "Extreme Right Wing", thereby implying that they are akin to Nazis. If one wasn't paying attention - which a lot of people aren't - one would be led to believe that "Conservative is bad".

Ever since the Garden of Eden, where evil was allowed to enter the world, the Erev Rav have been a huge part of the human story. Not just for the Jewish people in the story of the Exodus. They are always with us. Distorting and turning things ugly. Muddying the waters.

We either believe our Bible or we don't. We are doing full on battle with the Erev Rav. With evil. Our faith needs to guide us.

Do not take note of the rabble. Anyone who employs violence (other than self defence or protecting others) is part of the problem. The Erev Rav are now leading the narrative.

Maranatha, LORD Jesus. Please.