Fay (25 July 2021)
"It's a Dichotomy !"


Hi John and Doves,

Every now and again we need to take the emotion out of it and try to see the wood for the trees. It has always astounded me that the Israeli leadership has never allowed the Orthodox Jewish people to simply worship at their Temple Mount and grow the land. Plant vineyards and make the land flourish. So....how come this has never been allowed to happen? The obvious answer is that the Jewish people (Almighty God's chosen people) have not been keeping the Sabbath. They have not been keeping the laws of The Covenant. The original covenant. Yes - life would be so much easier if they had simply recognised Messiah Jesus when He came - but, let's not forget - the Jewish people have been blinded in part. Be that as it may - the same thing happened in the desert in Exodus. Because the Jewish people would not take heed of God's commandments, the Erev Rav (Mixed Multitude) were allowed to attack them. This has been happening throughout history. The Erev Rav live among all of us. They are the murderers, killers, rapists, leaders, kings and queens. They are the mafia, the paedophiles, the people traffickers, the slave traders. Once we fully recognise our enemy....fully believing in what the Bible tells us - we can confront it. Use our faith and prayers and not doubt ourselves. Evil is an entity - a very real entity. We have been conditioned to believe that people are products of their upbringing. An abusive childhood can be blamed for a murderous adult etc. I reject that theory. We all have a choice once we become adults. And murder is not a choice for ordinary human beings...no matter how rubbish our childhood was. We simply do NOT operate like that.

The entire story is about Israel and the Jewish people. Haters will attempt to say that the people residing in Israel "are not the real Jews" blah, blah. I wonder how these people reconcile prophecy with "fake" Jewish people inhabiting the land of Israel. Bizarre. The Jew haters should recognise their baseless hatred. If we had to judge ALL Americans on their presidents or leadership, we would loathe ALL Americans. Ditto for the Brits etc. I have met loads of fabulous German people. Are they a part of Hitler and his heinous crimes? Obviously NO!

As we have mostly recognised that we have dysfunctional governments, it figures that the Israeli government is even more dysfunctional. I mean, seriously....what were they thinking? A shambolic 4 elections that ended with a dissatisfactory, cobbled together government that includes an Arab/ Muslim squad? If it wasn't reality, it would be comical. Akin to Stockholm Syndrome....where the victim falls in love with his/her captor/abuser. The world has gone doolally!!

As the article asks...Why is support for Jewish worship on the Temple Mount so controversial? Taking human logic out of equation -I submit that there is huge power in Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount. And the Muslims know it....but the ordinary Jewish people do not. I also submit that the American elite know it. As do all the political elite. They do their collective damndest to prohibit continual Jewish worship happening on the Temple Mount. I believe it is a numbers game too. It's all about Almighty God's math.

Once we recognise that the Muslim religion is THE antithesis of our Christian faith - we truly recognise our enemy. Our western countries are being over-run by so-called "refugees" who are not Christian (Europe) and R. Catholic (USA) We need to stand firm in our faith. Our knowledge of scripture. And our yearning for Jesus Christ. And we need to support and pray for Israel and the Jewish people with every single fibre of our being.
