Fay (11 July 2021)
"Gino re Heartfelt spreading of the Gospel"


Hi Gino,

Your letter in the link below.

I know you know this stuff. You are human. You are not above dealing with human emotion. Your feelings and reaction are common to all of us.

My main anger is toward those who are enabling this travesty. It's chaotic and it is designed to divide and rule. The whole Machiavelli enchilada.

"The end justifies the means"...blah, blah, blah. They are reading from the same old script of past endeavours. No matter that the outcome is always the same !! LOL. As Albert Einstein said, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, yet expecting a different outcome". My favourite quote is, "Those who do not know their history, are doomed to repeat it". Just look at the communist play-book they are chucking at our children! It's the SAME script from yesteryear. But, because the young do NOT know their history - they appear to be lapping it up. It is utterly INSANE. None of it makes sense...until you realise that the media are catering to a woefully uneducated majority.

If you wish to minister to these people, Gino - remember they are ignorant. They are mere pawns in the game. They desperately need the Word. Honestly - can you imagine how many false promises have been made to them to activate their current behaviour? Whether the illegal immigrants are motivated by greed or desperation, matters not. They are people. Poor, sorry, ignorant people.

Methinks Almighty God is nudging you, Gino. Your anger (quite right, too) should serve to make the immigrants angry too. They have to realise how they are being used and abused.
