Fay (11 July 2021)
"What If......?"


Hey, John and Doves,

Watching the news over the week, I have started to notice the good cop v bad cop extravaganza. Democrats BAD....Republicans GOOD! And then we get to our news preferences *Rolls Eyes*. We have a blatantly lefty luvvie, "Marxist" thing going on with CNN (BBC in UK). Simply to try and balance the books, so to speak, we are also treated to the seemingly beleaguered Republican Party (Conservative Party in UK) who seem unable to do anything about the hideousness that has beset our world. We are being played from all angles. What made headline-blaring-news in the past, is now brushed over - sneakily shoved into the wings. Think Hunter Biden. And don't get me started on the whole "drag queen" stuff. The blatant, attempted brainwashing of our children. If 99.9% of the world were truthfully polled all at once and the truthful results were allowed to be published - most people would admit to finding the drag stuff entertaining and comical. It's out of the norm.

We simply have to get our warrior heads on. We are living in a world where all our freedoms have been taken away. Think about that for a few minutes. We are no longer free! Let's face the facts full on. We are now subjected to preparing for evil. It's hurtling toward us....hammer and tongs!

There are swirling winds blowing about our world. To me, it feels like there is a spiritual war being set up. We are only seeing the beginning of the very worst. This feeling we all have.... is very real. We are all being blown from one end to the other. Just who is the enemy? China? Russia? North Korea? Are aliens real or inter-dimensional? Was the USA election stolen from president Trump? Is there a huge pedo operation going on? How do we really know who is behind the recent ransomware cyber attacks? Are they Russian hackers? Chinese? North of the Ngong Gong Hills? OR, could they be hackers from within the government, itself? What better way to extract money from companies than by a cyber attack "by Russia". Hmmm. They are all mafia types. ALL of them. "Evil men will wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived". 2 Timothy 3:13

The more I read, the more I am convinced that the entire media stuff is made to distract us. It runs 24/7, relentlessly bashing away at our senses. If we recognise that the entire lot of them are lying actors, then we have to know that our LORD Jesus is very near. We are all a huge part of our LORD Jesus, Doves. For all our individual faults and failings, we belong to the LORD. We need to emotionally dissociate ourselves with the barbarity that is happening. The sheer insanity of what is happening. We need to stand back and recognise that prophecy is unfolding and there is nothing to stop it. There is no point in developing an ulcer over stuff we are not in control over. Our weapon is prayer. Faith. Trust.

There is no political leader that is good anymore. Take a hard look at each individual one. They are all evil and they are all gearing up for war. There is little truthful media. We are either subjected to mainstream media garbage, or fear porn from certain Christian websites. Talking to myself as well as others, we all need to keep a steady position. Stand firm and strong. Maintain confidence and have total courage in the strength of your convictions. There is no more time to be hesitant or dithering. The onset of evil is obvious and we need to stand firm.

I am closely watching the weekend of Tish a' B'av. The 9th of Av. Which is when most catastrophes hit the Jewish people.

Praying for the peace of Jerusalem. Please come, LORD Jesus. Please.
