Fay (11 July 2021)
"Garry B. Brilliant...just Brilliant!"


Garry - your crystal clear view is the same as mine. It's SO comforting to know. Both links, below, hold Garry's letters from July 4th. I cannot see how anyone can refute this logic.

Almighty God is not going to allow His Own to share the same space with the devil and his evil. Because the Blood of the Lamb has set us free. We do NOT need to be tested, or tempted, anymore. We have made our soul choice. We have accepted the redeeming blood of The Lamb. Absorbed it and have begun acting on it. We do not have to "prove" ourselves with any puny human works. We don't need that to qualify for heaven. Once we have the genuine Holy Spirit, we may want to do good works - but these good works are not a pre-requisite for entry into heaven. FAITH is the final.

God Bless you, Garry. And all the Doves.

