Denis Hart (11 July 2021)
"The End Time Harvest and the Super Trawler"

The End Time Harvest and the Super Trawler

(to Jim)

Thank you for pointing the way to the article on the End Times prophecy: the Vision of the Harvest on the website (link below).  I believe that an end times (bountiful) harvest is imminent and technology, such as the Internet, will play a vital role.  It is worth noting that some countries censor the Internet, but the Lord of the Harvest will find ways to bring the harvest in, including through prayer!! 

Back in September 2012 the Lord gave me a prophecy in the Northside Church in Canberra that we were attending at the time, around the theme of a Super Trawler (the key boat in the news at the time was named Abel Tasman and it was somewhat controversial at the time).  You may be interested.  I have left the write up of  the prophecy as is (Col was the pastor).

Abel Tasman Super Trawler

Hebrews 11:4  [Prompted, actuated] by faith Abel brought God a better and more acceptable sacrifice than Cain, because of which it was testified of him that he was righteous, and God bore witness by accepting and acknowledging his gifts. And though he died, yet [through the incident] he is still speaking.

Note:  the super trawler Abel Tasman is clearly able to harvest/catch large quantities of fish efficiently.  There are, however, concerns including:  other marine life could be caught in the net - the peripheral or bi-catch (dolphins, seals, sea lions, sea birds, turtles);  the food chain could be affected by depletion of fish stocks; and recreational fishers could be affected by lower fish availability.  One of the benefits of super trawlers is the ability to sort and freeze fish on the boat, and thus improve quality for human consumption (the Abel Tasman fish were destined for West Africa to improve protein availability).

The Prophetic Word

The word at the prayer meeting (Sunday 16 September 2012) - I have done my best to remember the word as spoken, but I have also added some clarification and interpretation.  Col’s message on the harvest from Luke 5:1-11 was very good and timely.  I would also, prophetically like to emphasise the end of verse 10:  Have no fear; from now on you will be catching men!

 The Lord wanted to bring a word to confirm Col’s message on the harvest, and to use events surrounding the Abel Tasman super trawler to convey this.  There is a large harvest to be gathered, but the super trawler is not yet ready for this because there would be peripheral damage to other marine animals, such as dolphins and turtles.  The Holy Spirit emphasised that there has to be sensitivity in the large harvest to the needs and characteristics of individuals. 

There is also a very important place for the recreational fisher, ensuring that fish are available for his catch.  I believe the Holy Spirit wanted to emphasise that there will always be an important place for individuals reaching out in love to catch fish.  Recreational fishers is not really the best term, unless we understand the joy of someone leading another/ others to Jesus Christ.  Once again the prophetic word emphasised the importance of sensitivity to individuals (not getting lost in the large harvest).

Although not in the prophetic word, the two boats truth in Luke 5 is important.  The boats speak of churches working together to gather the harvest, and a harvest that is too large even for the two boats.  Some form of super trawler may play a role in the end-time harvest (as the 11 apostles did on the Day of Pentecost), but the harvest really needs to be gathered and discipled by the smaller boats, individuals and twos and threes working together in the Church. 

Denis in Canberra     10 July 2021