Bob Ware (11 July 2021)
"153 Fish in John 21:11 and 276 Saved in Acts 27:37 point to 9/11/2021 the 6th day of 5782 > God rested on the 7th Day"

26 years ago I asked the Lord to show me something in creation that I had never seen before. He was just waiting for me to ask. Since then He has revealed thousands of patterns hidden in His creation. One path leading to revelations was simply separating the prime numbers from the composites. He gave me the 305 primes that fall within the range of 1 to 2010. The last is 2003. 2003 plus Enoch’s age when he was taken (365) equals the Greek gematria of ‘JESUS CHRIST’ (2368). The Lord told me to include 1 (Unity) with the primes. Mathematicians don’t consider 1 to be a prime number - even though it meets the criteria for a prime number. I knew I had to include 1 since it is a number for ‘God’. If I leave ‘God’ out of my list all the secrets it reveals disappear.


I laid out this list by the prime factoring of 305: 61 rows by 5 columns. The sum of column 1 is 7700. The 61st prime at the end of column 1 is 281. 281 x 7 equals 1967 - the year of the Six Day War. The center of the list was the 153rd prime number 881. 881 plus 7 equals the Greek gematria of ‘JESUS’ (888). The last number on the list (2003) plus 7 equals the range of the list (2010).


I discovered why there were 153 fish caught in the net in John 21:11. I found what I call the ‘Prime Cube’ within the first three columns of the list. It is comprised of the center 17 rows of the first three columns. The sum of all numbers from 1 to 17 is 153. This ‘Prime Cube’ has 51 prime numbers plus 51 placeholders within the list plus another 51 placeholders within the ‘Prime Cube’ itself. That is a total of 153 values. I placed a cross in the center of this ‘Prime Cube’. Its four points total the year of Israel’s rebirth: 113 + 431 + 523 + 881 = 1948. The first point (113) is the 31st prime number and the 9th number within the ‘Prime Cube’: 113 + 31 + 9 = 153. Again, the last point of the cross (881) is the 153rd prime number.


The center row of this ‘Prime Cube/Cross’ are the three primes: 113, 467 and 881. Their sum equals the 1461 days in four years – one Presidential term. The top (431), center (467) and bottom (523) of the vertical bar of the ‘Prime Cross’ total 1421. The average sum of these two bars that make up the ‘Prime Cross’ is 1441. 1441 is the 16th Star of David number. The 1441st day of the last 19-year Jewish calendar cycle was 9/11/2001. The sum of the last 26 prime numbers within the ‘Prime Cube’ from 467 to 941 equals the 19,478 days from Israel’s rebirth on 5/14/1948 to 9/11/2001. The center value of 467 is 234. 9/11/2001 was the 234th day in office for George Walker Bush. The 14th prime number is 41. This is a unique anomaly where the placeholder of a prime number is the mirror image of that prime. The sum of the first four prime numbers in row 14 of the ‘Prime List’ is the Greek gematria of ‘JESUS CHRIST’: 41 + 373 + 761 + 1193 = 2368. 373 is the gematria of the Greek word 'logos' which means 'word'. The sum of the two prime numbers immediately preceding 1193 is also 2368 (1181 + 1187). Are you seeing God’s hand in this?


The center of this ‘Prime Cross’ is 467. 467 is the sum of three different gematrias for ‘God’: 86 Hebrew + 99 prime + 282 ASCII. Lincoln (the first assassinated President) served 467 more days than JFK. (the fourth assassinated President). The third corner of the ‘Prime Cube’ is 827. The third assassinated President (McKinley) served 2 x 827 days.


The sum of the 51 prime numbers within the ‘Prime Cube’ (25,089) plus the sum of their 51 ’Prime List’ placeholders (4692) plus the sum of their 51 placeholders within the ‘Prime Cube’ itself (1326) equals 31,107. This is a total of 153 values. 31,107 minus the 31,102 verses in the Bible equals 5 which is the number for Grace. 31,107 + 1 (Unity or God) equals: 4 x 7,777.


The sum of the four corners of the ‘Prime List’ is 3834 (1 + 281 + 1549 + 2003). 3834 equals: 2 x 1917. General Allenby took control of Jerusalem in 1917 and JFK was born in 1917. 3834 plus the four corners of the ‘Prime Cube’ (2010) is the exact number of days in 16 years (5844). My earthly Father and his firstborn son died exactly 5844 days apart. 5844 plus the 1461 days in the four years of one Presidential term (horizontal bar of the ‘Prime Cross’) equals the exact number of days in 20 years. 9/11/2001 plus 20 years will be 9/11/2021. From 9/11/2021 to the Solar Eclipse on 4/8/2024 will be 940 days. 940 is the last composite number to fall within the range of the ‘Prime Cube’. The hexadecimal number string ‘940’ equals the decimal number 2368 (‘JESUS CHRIST’).  


The 6th day of 5782 begins at sunset on 9/11/2021. God rested on the 7th day. The 7th day of 5782 runs from sunset of 9/12/2021 to sunset of 9/13/2021. 913 is the gematria of the first word in the Bible which translates into “In the beginning”. Could 9/13/2021 be the new beginning of the ‘Great Reset’ for the New World Order after we are taken? 


While asleep Danny Hamrick heard the Holy Spirit say “Your Mansion rent is $5,295”. 5295 equals: 3834 plus 1461. The monthly rent may have been set so high in Earthly terms to reflect how valuable our place in Heaven will be. John 14:2-3 “2 In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.”


The average value of the three prime numbers that total 1461 (113 + 467 + 881) is 487. The average value of the four points of the ‘Prime Cross’ totaling 1948 is also 487. 487 plus the first point of the ‘Prime Cross’ (113) equals 600 (Noah’s age when he entered the Ark). 487 plus Danny Hamrick’s 5295 equals: 5782.


The sum of the four corners of the ‘Prime Cube’ is 2010. This is the range of the ‘Prime List’. The gematria of Genesis 1:1 (2701) excluding ‘heaven’ (395) and ‘earth’ (296) is 2010.


There are 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet. The sum of the first 22 prime numbers is 713. 713 is the prime number gematria of ‘JESUS CHRIST’. The ‘Prime Cube’ starts immediately following the first 22nd prime numbers.


The last number in column one of the ‘Prime List’ is the 39th prime. There are 39 (3 x 13) books in the Old Testament. The sum of the top row of the ‘Prime Cube’ is 1337. The 13th prime number is 37. There are 27 inclusive primes from the 13th to the 39th. There are 27 books in the New Testament.


The 47th number within the ‘Prime Cube’ is the 157th prime number 911. Kamala Harris may become the 47th President when Biden is removed from office. 157 is the composite number gematria of ‘JESUS’. 911 is the shortened form of 9/11/2001.


I discovered why there were 276 saved in Paul’s shipwreck in Acts 27:37. The first number within the ‘Prime Cube’ is 79. The 79th element is gold. Each atom of gold has 276 elementary particles: 79 protons + 118 neutrons + 79 electrons. 79 is the 23rd prime number. The sum of all numbers from 1 to 23 is 276. Draw 17 diagonals through the center of the ‘Prime Cube’ and the sum of the three placeholders within the ‘Prime List’ for each prime is 276.


There are many, many more secrets hidden within this ‘Prime List’. Over the years I have shared a number of them in my previous letters.


In my attached ‘Prime List’ chart ‘PLPH’ stands for ‘Prime List Placeholders’ and ‘PCPH’ stands for ‘Prime Cube Placeholders’.

5295 and Prime List.jpg