Anthony Mak (11 July 2021)
"This proves that Satan made his move in 2020 to try and take over the world. The world is NEVER EVER going back to "normalcy". JESUS IS COMING!!!"

Amazingly, what's in this video is showing EXACTLY, 100% what is REALLY happening from 2020 onward, 90 years later!!! Satan made HIS move, the Restrainer is restraining and soon it'll all be over for the Church / Bride!!! Even the 4 years given to the barren figtree, which is the apostate spiritual Israel, is Up since the exact 4 years literally played out  through Trump's Presidency has expired and there WON'T be a "5" years to reach before the barren figtree ( Christians who do not bear fruits of repentance according to the parable ) are CUT OFF and thrown into the fire of the tribulation period ). THIS TIMING IS CRYSTAL CLEAR FOR ALL WHO ARE WATCHING AND WAITING FOR JESUS'S RETURN IN THE AIR..........( God DID give His Church and the world a final 4 years warning and its OVER! MAKE YOURSELVES READY!!!! )

1930s cartoon shows how to take over the world!!