Angela (25 July 2021)
"K. Malcomson, Klaus Schwab, W E F, The Great Reset; Best Summary"

John and Doves,

God has raised up wonderful saints of God in these Last Days to help us understand the New World Order that our friends and relatives will be facing shortly.

Jesus told us to watch all things Biblical.
Mark 13:37.

It is to one's advantage to learn about The Great Reset, and 5G and A i. All of these topics have many witnessing points to them.

Here is a 5 part series on The Great Reset-- a totally digital world....including banking.

It tells how the elites want your brain hooked up to a machine so that they have infinite control over you. That, and so much more

Pastor Malcomson, from Ireland, critiques the Book written by Klaus Schwab,
The head of the World Economic Forum.
He and his elites plan a godless world, as in the Tower of Babel 
(Genesis 11).
The Epistle of Jude describes them well in
verse 15.

Jude reminds us in verses
20 and 21 to **keep ourselves in the love of God.**

Pastor Keith Malcomson is gifted in relating this information in an easy way to understand. I thank God for the saints He's raising up in these Last Days.

Hoses 4:6
" My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge."
The Great Reset

• Part 1

• Part 2

• Part 3

• Part 4

• Part 5
