Hello FIVE DOVES,Below is a follow up article to the original article youposted earlier > http://www.fivedoves.com/letters/june2020/stevew614.htm <We ask you to consider publishing this article too andbelieve your members will get great edification from seeingthese prophetic confirmations our LORD's SECOND COMING is soon !
"Who has believed our report?And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?"ISAIAH 53:1
June 7, 2020 exactly 53 years after Israel captured Jerusalem June 7, 1967I discovered the unique bible confirmations of JESUS crucifixion date 4/28/28 ADin this article http://www.fivedoves.com/letters/june2020/stevew614.htmwhich led to the discoveries and ordering Gabriel Ansley book 2028 @ 2028end.com whichdocuments the evidence in detail about JESUS SECOND COMING in 2028 !!
......................................................................................From 4/28/28 AD its exactly 708246 days to June 7, 1967 .take the number 708246 and divide by a ^^^^^^prophetic year in the bible which is 360 days and you get 1967 !!
.........................................................................................................ISAIAH 53 is a prophetic revelation chapter in the Old Testamentall about the earthly life of JESUS and his crucifixion !!
ISAIAH 53 has exactly 12 verses.^^ MY BIRTHDAYfrom June 7, 2020 its exactly 12 days to June 19 2020.^^^^^^^^^^^^I turned age 61 on the date June 19, 2020.^^^^ Year of^^ JESUS CHRIST
>From the ^^ !!! SECOND COMING !!!prophetic year 1967 its 61 years to !!! 2028 !!!.....................................................................................................................Also in the book of PSALMS chapter 53 has 6 versesand there are 7 verses in chapter 67which reveals the prophetic date 6/7/67 !!ISRAEL captures JERUSALEM !!https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/June_1967#June_7,_1967_(Wednesday)
Paratroopers at the Western Wall, June 7, 1967June 7, 1967 Liberation of Jerusalem by Israeli forces.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Potential time frame of^^^^^^^^^^^ Second Coming of^^^^^^^^^^ JESUS CHRISTJune 7, 1967 . 4/7/2022 9/30/2028!.........20028 days...!.........2368 days.......!^^^^JESUS CHRIST = 2368 in greek gematriaTransit of VENUS perfectly syncs to this in the following way...VENUS is "morning star"JESUS says he is the "morning star" in Revelation 22:16.
TRANSIT timeline again and what it reveals >>> June 8, 2004 ....8 years....June 6 , 2012Extending the cycle once more >>> June 6, 2012 ....8 years....June 4, 2020and extending one final time >>> June 4, 2020 ....8 years...June 2 , 2028^^^in greek gematria JESUS = 888 !!!^^^ potential time frame^^^ Second ComingAnd from first VENUS TRANSIT ^^^ sync dateJune 8 , 2004 its exactly.......... 8880 ...days to..... 9/30/2028 !!^^^^^^^^^^and from June 2 , 2028 its exactly .......120 days to............. 9/30/2028in english gematria JESUS = 74 X 120 = 8880 !!MOSES a typology of JESUS of lived 120 years
Jewish HolidayLAST DAY ofFeast of TRUMPETsFrom June 2 , 2028 its exactly 28+28+28+28 days to 9/22/2028 !!Notice again that timeline is 4 X 28 which is like a hidden revelationas well with JESUS Crucifixion date 4/28/28 !!!!