Pastor Dana, my name is Neil Lipken. I am a friend of Pastor Perry Meade, and he gave me your email address. I would guess that right now you are very busy on account of your YouTube videos! I would love to make contact with you either by phone or email if possible!
I am a Jewish Christian (also known as a Messianic Jew). I was born again in 1979, and the Lord commissioned me by His Holy Spirit to teach end time Bible prophecy in 1980. For the last 40 years I have taught nearly continuously in churches in a number of places in Indiana, and have had 30 out of state teaching engagements in the U.S. The full course is now nearly 300 hours long. I have also been on both Christian radio and TV in Indianapolis and Chicago.
Your YouTube videos really rang true to my spirit! I have several issues that really peaked my interest. First, I am sure you are aware that when the Rapture happens people are "eating, drinking, buying, selling, building, planting, marrying, and giving in marriage, etc.". In other words, life is relatively normal when the Rapture happens. You mentioned that you are "Pre-Trib", and that is most certainly the only correct position on the Rapture! It is definitely Pre-Trib and easy to prove scripturally!
So, you mentioned in your YouTube videos that you saw September of this year as being a very important month on the calendar, but you did not say why. In the middle of September this year is Rosh Hashanah, also known as the Feast of Trumpets. I would also guess that you know that of all the Jewish yearly feasts, this feast most closely corresponds to the Rapture. Based on what the Lord showed you in your dreams, do you think that possibly He inferred the Rapture in September without directly mentioning it? It would appear that this September life will still be relatively normal. We cannot know the day nor the hour of the Rapture, but the Scripture does not say anything about a month or year. But we are free to guess even without knowing, as we are instructed from Scripture to be EAGER for the Lord's coming at the Rapture! (Hebrews 9:28, 1 Corinthians 1:7, 2 Timothy 4:8 New American Standard Bible)
You also mentioned Russian, Chinese, and UN troops on the ground in America this fall. The Rapture will very likely "decapitate" the American government. It is possible that President Trump, Vice President Pence, and at least a number of Republican Congressmen will be gone in the Rapture. Only in such a vacuum could Russian, Chinese, and UN troops come upon American soil! Otherwise our military would fight to prevent such a thing from happening! You did say that in your dreams President Trump was not present.
I just received some information today that there is a coin shortage in the U.S, and that many Americans are not aware of this. That sure rings true with one of your dreams! Severe inflation also in the near future is almost a given in light of the 2 trillion dollar coronavirus stimulus package that the government did this spring. And as I am sure you well know, the third seal judgment early in the 7 year Tribulation Period after the Rapture is severe inflation (Revelation 6:5 & 6).
I truly hope that somehow we can make contact either by email or phone! My email address is, and my cell phone number is 317-508-9886. Here is also my office phone number: 317-848-2055. By profession I am an orthodontist. I love what I do for a living, but had I been saved before I went to dental school, I would have loved to have become a messianic rabbi! My heart is very much in ministry! I am sure that you are well aware that the vast, and I mean vast majority of pastors today are either ambivalent about or hostile to end time Bible prophecy! This is truly a shame and should not be so, but it fulfills the prophecy of Matthew 24:39----- ".....and they did not understand until the flood came and took them all away; so shall the coming of the Son of Man be". Sadly I have run into a number of pastors who are even VERY hostile to end time Bible prophecy! It is extremely rare in central Indiana (and I am sure there too) to find a pastor who "gets it" as to the lateness of the hour! After 2669 years from 721 BC (when Assyria came down and took the northern 10 tribes of Israel captive), Israel returned as a free nation in 1948, and we then entered the "End Times" of this present dispensation, the Church Age. Now we are more than 72 years into the End Times, and looming ahead of us as you know is the Rapture, and then the subsequent 7 year Tribulation Period.
Many years ago in the early 1990's I was teaching at Calvary Temple on the southeast side of Indianapolis. I got to know Pastor Phil Meade, Pastor Perry's father, at that time. In 2019 Pastor Perry called me and wanted to know if I was still teaching end time Bible prophecy, and of course I said yes. Since then I have taught two of his Sunday morning services. It has been a true pleasure to get to know Pastor Perry! He "gets it", and he is a true breath of fresh air after all the many pastors who are hostile to end time Bible prophecy!
Hope somehow that we can make contact! Best wishes in the Lord! I know again that you must be extremely busy right now.Neil Lipken
P.S. Psalm 102:16 King James Bible------- "WHEN THE LORD SHALL BUILD UP ZION (Israel), HE SHALL APPEAR IN HIS GLORY." That says it all despite all the "sour puss" pastors out there! Israel returned in 1948, and from the "parable of the fig tree" in both the Old and New Testaments, we are the generation to see all end time events fulfilled! The Lord is going to appear in His glory first at the Rapture, and then a tad more than 7 years later at the Second Coming as Israel's long rejected Messiah! Praise be to the Most High God to be so blessed to be living our lives at this very moment in history! Right before the Rapture!
P.P.S. I am sending this email "blind carbon copy" to a number of my Bible prophecy friends, and it is also going to you Pastor Dana "blind carbon copy".
P.P.P.S. I am sure you saw above that I mentioned that a number of Republican Congressmen will be gone in the Rapture. LOL! As you know, it is far, far less likely that folks on the Left are born again and leaving in the Rapture!
Final note: If you are reading this (and you are not Pastor Dana), and you have not received Pastor Dana's YouTube videos about his dreams, please let me know and I will send them to you.