Mary Adams (12 July 2020)

Greetings and love to all my friends, family, and loved ones:


In these perilous times so prophesied by our Lord, we need to sit down and also reflect

on the goodness that is also being poured out from above. The Bible tells us that

we are being blessed when we pray for one another, especially enemies or those

that persecute us or abandon us.  I think this is the most important thing we can do at this moment of time and not concentrate so much on whether or not we’ll be having to wear a face mask today. Yes, in certain instances, but that tends to constantly remind us of how vulnerable we are and surrounded by so much wickedness going on in our world.


I had a wonderful thought these past few days:  When every creature is born, it will hopefully have a mother who will not abandon it but draw it close to her breast so that nourishment

will strengthen the little helpless baby.  For a long while, it will constantly struggle for that

milk and rapidly grow.  She nurtures and teaches, and defends the little one with her own

life if need be.  And how important is this time—for it will become the foundation experience

of all that is to come in its lifetime.


But the time will come when breast milk will not be enough and Mamas run dry.  When children become strong enough to roam, that food must become of another sort, and meat must be introduced into that diet for it to be satisfied.  So it roams around its world, looking and sampling this and that to taste and see what they like most.


This is what I see happening in our world today: so many have no spiritual Fathers taking over

this transitional event. So many Fathers have abandoned their responsibility at this crucial time and it is what has placed a generational curse upon our children.  Right where I live there are two wonderful and beautiful girls living nearby.  Their father hangs around for a meal or

to say “hi”, but he has left the marriage and gone his way in pursuit of his fun and games. He

left them with a mortgage to struggle and pay for and a wife who must work two jobs just

to buy the groceries and pay the bills.  He contributes nothing.


It’s a horrid situation!  The daughters and wife are wounded and feel the great hurt of abandonment. They cry for a Father to whom their faces reflect desire for his love for them, not some teenager who never grew up himself.


I think about Corrie Ten Boom, the book she wrote about her father’s house, where the children always knew he would be at the dinner table to read the Bible and pray before their meal.  They loved one another and did their best to put God first in their lives.  When WWII

came along, the family hid and sheltered Jews in their home, finally being discovered by the Nazis and sent to the death camps.  Even separated from one another, what was taught by Father into their young lives lived in their hearts.  It was what gave them the hope and

strength to survive in those awful days. We can read her story The Hiding Place and learn

about it.


We hear of wild youths burning, looting, destroying, killing.  Where are THEIR  Fathers?  Mothers may groan inside and tears flow, but they know their babies suck drugs and now

dabble in the sweetness of sin which eats away their bodies and brains.  They soon become old men walking about as youthful strength fades and they become wrinkled relics of their own failures.


Fathers, don’t you see what you missed?  God created you the head, but you decapitated yours. Rise up from this life to become someone  looked to as that strength for which we all so desperately need. Your wife needs your love, genuine love.  Your children groan and weep.

And so do you if you will admit it to yourself.  Get alone with God and seek forgiveness. It’s

the only way for you, your wife, your children, and this world.


For my dear ones: I thank God with pride and joy over any of mine who now stand tall as such

Fathers and men who have done so.  God bless you!


G’ma Mary