Mary Adams (12 July 2020)
"Just thinking..."



Why are people so troubled about things?  The Washington Redskins football team now thinks they need  to abolish the Redskin label.  What???  Have we not twisted what that name

Redskin really means to them?  It means a name of respect and honor to the very athletic and

gifted warriors. The INDIANS!!!  Their team wanted to be associated with such men and noted

for their athletic ability.  Same thing with the Buffalo—the Chiefs---and any bird, animal, or famous person.  They attached those names to HONOR THEM!! Want to wear such names as badges of strength.  And now we have a generation who thinks they need to destroy them!  Such twisted thinking!  Don’t they rush to the tattoo parlors to burn their heroes on their skin? Copy their hairstyles, their choice of clothes, their lifestyle.


As for me, I like diversity.  Having traveled this world to over 30 different countries, I am delighted to see how people dress in different ways, eat different dishes, speak in different languages.  Would have been disappointed to travel so far and not see how different people had different ways of doing things; how they honored one another, kept respect for their history, their culture…some of it good, some bad. I also noted how even animals stayed in herds, zebras had stripes, elephants big ears.  Mostly they got with their own, but went out

scavenging to feed themselves unless they mostly ate grass.  For thousands of years they did these things—just as God planned.


Buffalo by the millions grazed our plains—until people came along to see them as a way to make money, taking their robes and leaving their hides to rot, the beaver they trapped to sell and make hats.  Truth is—you never learned the other side of the story, nor bothered to learn about it. You cry inside. So do your children, your mamas.


I am a Swiss-German.  Yes, we immigrated to this country for several reason: persecution, lack of opportunity, a better life, changes in climate, wars.  Little children were brought with them, who did not have a choice.  But most grew up, worked hard, and achieved their dreams.  But years came when even my ancestors were put in prisons and camps during our war years.  So did the Japanese experience it.  Prejudice? Slanted eyes? Japs? Yellow skin?  Dark skin?  Whatever evil people put in their hearts, they wanted, they coveted, and they hated. 


Such is happening right now.  Lots of blacks hate whites, and whites hate blacks. Called them names (both sides), hung them, shot them, raped them, burned their homes. (both sides) and still doing it.  They want someone to suffer, to destroy your way of life.


And now…it’s all coming to a point in time where our good Lord is saying, “enough…”

Because so few of us are left that pray, that do the right thing, love and cherish this wonderful world with its diversity and splendor. Its people of all color, all races.


Don’t hate and be unforgiving.  We’re all to blame in some way or another.  I think of

my friends who have such lovely dark skin and slanted eyes. My daughter in law Gina..beautiful! And I learned how good tacos taste.  But I can’t change my appearance, no matter what I do…it will not be what I was born with. So I quit trying and learn to love myself as what I am…except for the hatred I might have stored up inside me.


Love is the great conqueror.












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