Mary (19 July 2020)
"Have you heard of Q?   Have you heard of Qanon?  Here is some Q info..."

Many people are talking about Q.

Who is Q or Qanon? 

Q is - One or more people in the United States who are working through legal means to clean out the deep state and the corrupt elite  - and.... those powerful people who are abusing children.

Q writes messages that we can read.

In the messages - Q honors God and talks about putting the Full Armor of God on. 

In the messages - Q honors our flag and patriotism.

Many of the patriots who love our country and love law & order, get a lot of encouragement from the Q posts.

Qanon stands for "Q is anonymous."

How do I read Q messages? 

To read the Q messages - also called the Q posts - go to...

Note: The chess piece on the left side will tell you the players in the Q posts.

Note: There is a search box where you can search all the Q messages for a particular word.

How long has Q been writing?

Since the fall of 2017

Is Q real? 

No one can say for sure. 

But recently Q posted an oath we can take to our constitution and our country. Then Q posted people filming themselves taking the oath. And shortly thereafter.... General Flynn posts a video of himself and friends taking the oath. So it would seem that he reads in Q posts and likes the Q posts.  

Here is the video showing General Flynn and friends taking the oath -

Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet – so 17 is a key to the Q movement.

Are the Q posts telling us the truth?

Sometimes Q tells us that he will give us false information in order to fool the deep state. 

What is WWG1WGA ?

It is a term used a lot by Q. It stands for -  Where We Go One We Go All

It is a term of unity for all who love our country and law & order.

Understanding WWG1WGA and The Storm…

CEO’s have been stepping down in record numbers. Q has talked about this. Could some of the powerful be running from the justice to come?

Sean Morgan has some 2 or 3 minute videos about Q. 

Most everything he says is helpful to understand Q. Sean says he is a Christian but he is not understanding the word Christian in the same way that I do.  I would say he has a lot of new age in his beliefs.

Here is Sean's Q info…

Sean Morgan has a good video that just came out about the Wayfair scandal – or potential scandal. It is long but it is very good.
