Luis Vega (19 July 2020)
"THE RAPTURE ROAR? - Super Flare AD Leionis- Gliese 388 near Algeiba"




Super Flare AD Leionis- Gliese 388 near Algeiba

by Luis B. Vega

‘By the word of the LORD, we declare to you that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the LORD will by no means precede those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord Himself will descend from Heaven with a Shout [Roar], with the Voice of an Archangel, and with the Trumpet of God, and the Dead in Christ will be the first to rise. After that, we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so, we will always be with the LORD.’ - 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17


The purpose of this study is to consider the prophetic ramifications of the ‘Lion’s Roar’ Super Flare phenomena that has occurred in the constellation of Leo. This topic came about from a Rapture and End of Days forum, of the article that was brought to ones attention by a regular contributing member named Miguel. On July 10, 2020, an article by Jamie Carter, Senior Contributor for science filed a story about a huge Super Flare occurring in the constellation of Leo. It was unusual from the onset as the astronomical topic was posted in the Forbes Magazine online, not normally keen on space and/or astronomical news. Not even the highly astronomical ones picked-up on this finding which is very interesting. The title was, ‘Huge Lion’s Roar Super Flare Seen from Japan Should be a Wake-up Call for Earthlings’.

The question one would like to run and contribute with is, in what sense should it be a ‘Wake-up Call’ for Earthlings? Astronomically, politically, economically, religiously? How about prophetically? The article went on to discuss the finding of how Japanese astronomers recorded a Super Flare erupting on a Sun about 20x bigger than Earth’s Sun. This activity was detected by the Seimei Telescope on Okayama Mountain west of Kyoto. Such a phenomena is the first ever recorded and described. Based on science so far observed, a Super Flare occurs near sunspots that cause a sudden flash of increased brightness. In some cases, a Coronal Mass Ejection CME can occur that then forms massive magnetic storms. To get a size comparison to regular Sun Flares from Earth’s Sun, a Super Flare is estimated to be 10,000 times more powerful and massive.

In other words, it would wipe out all life on Earth and beyond if one occurred on Earth’s Sun. Nonetheless, super flares are thought to be rather rare. As it is, regular Solar Flares and CME’s often interfere with Earth’s electronic grids, satellites and GPS, so much so that it can be or will be a national security threat to nations worldwide. Many strategists also fear and EMP bomb, an Electro Magnetic Pulse devise that is detonated in the atmosphere above a city would knock-out an entire nation’s power grid for decades. However, what was interesting is the tone of the writer’s ‘voice’ in that it should be a ‘wake-up call’ for Earthlings. How so?

A Super Flare
A Super Flare can eventually sweep-away any atmosphere and life on a planet would go extinct, such as on Earth. He may have not realized but in the book of Revelation, such scenarios will occur. Revelation 8:7 states, ‘The 1st Angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the Earth: and the 1/3 part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up.’ If a possible Super Flare is to occur on Earth, Revelation 16:8-9 would probably be it. ‘Then the 4th Angel poured out his Bowl on the Sun, and it was given power to scorch the people with fire. And the people were scorched by intense heat, and they cursed the Name of GOD, who had authority over these plagues; yet they did not repent and give Him glory’. Such a grim and apocalyptic scenario threatening Earthlings will occur; the warning is pertinent.

The article went on to describe that such a massive Super Flare had never been seen nor recorded before. It would basically kill-off any life in any nearby planets the Sun might have revolving around it. The point the writer was making is that in turn, such a dire model could also occur with Earth’s Sun. This type of Super Flare would have dire consequences for Earthlings as he put it. The difference though is that it is known that where the Super Flare has occurred, in AD Leonis is a Giant Red Dwarf M-type of Sun. Meaning that it is far denser in mass and cooler than Earth’s Sun. Or in other words, it may be a comparison of ‘apples to oranges’. The writer then goes on to explain where the Super Flare occurred, in the Star or Sun called AD Leonis, as noted. It is also called Gliese 388 in the constellation of Leo, the Lion. It occurred close to the Star Algeiba, which means 'to be Exalted'. This area is in the Lion’s ‘neck’ or what others who study the meaning of the constellations call the ‘Sickle’. This is the most interesting part of the study, by far due to its prophetic depiction and possible Rapture event implications.

The writer incorporated a euphemism of this Super Flare effect as being like a ‘Roar of a Lion’ in his title but did not touch upon it other than in a scientific setting, which is fair. However, one who studies the End of Days wishes to present a possible prophetic significance beyond that of this finding in the context of the Biblical Rapture event and possible interpretation. If one is familiar with Biblical Astronomy, one will realize just how amazing this finding is to consider. It is believed that the 12 constellations are a patchwork of a story-line that explains the whole Plan of Salvation found in Jesus Christ. It is the Creator’s way of having such a message -much like billboards do, announce to the whole Universe of what YHVH did, is doing and will do.

Every constellation explains a facet of YHVH’s Plan of Salvation and in the case of the constellation of Leo, it is a metaphor and euphemism for the ‘Lion of the Tribe of Judah’, Jesus Christ. This is none other than a Royal and Messianic title of Jesus Christ, who was from the Tribe of Judah. He is the King of the Universe and more appropriately, Leo is the Sign of this King and also has the Star, Regulus called the Star of the King. The symbol of the Israelite tribe of Judah was a Lion as is Jerusalem, the ‘City of the King’, etc. As one can sense, this Celestial Sign is thus significant Biblically in so much as it is referencing a ‘Roar’ or Shout that is to occur that initiates the Rapture event. To reiterate, the head of Leo depicts a ‘Sickle’ motif as Jesus is the LORD of the Harvest.

The Lion King
This Rapture event is when the souls of all those that are Followers and Disciples of Christ Jesus will be ‘harvested’. It will be the Rapture event that will conclude with the harvest of the Church Age Saints that will compose the Bride of Christ to be taken from Earth to Heaven. The following section will outline the Biblical and astronomical nuances of the significance of Leo and then how this Super Flare occurrence or ‘Sign’ might fit prophetically in the implications of the coming and anticipated Rapture event, i.e., the 'Rapture Roar?'. The constellation of Leo is the end of the story-line of the 12 constellations and YHVH's Plan of Salvation.

It is Virgo that is the beginning of the Mazzaroth in contrast to Leo that closes the circuit. This is how the Ancients depicted the Sphinx with. Thus, it is Leo that ends all prophecy as it is depicting, astronomically. Leo will end the Church Age as Jesus Christ descends with the ‘Shout’ or in this case, a 'Roar' as I Thessalonians 4 states. It will be the Rapture event that will set the world stage for the coming last Sabbatical Cycle or the Tribulation Period. This will be the 70th Week of Years per Daniel to conclude all Biblical prophecy and have Christ Jesus set up His Kingdom on Earth, as it is in Heaven.

As the Angel told John in Revelation 19:10, 'The aim of all Biblical prophecy is to tell of Jesus’. It is Jesus that will eventually return and restore all things. The following astronomical highlights of the description of Leo are taken from the work and research of E.W. Bullinger and will be in paraphrase format. The constellation of Leo has 95 stars however there are 9 that are more prominent and make-up the points that configure a ‘Lion’ motif design in the night sky. There are actually 6 Hebrew words for Lion. In Arabic, for example a Lion is called Al Asad like Assad of Syria, the ‘Syrian Lion’, etc. Astronomically speaking, there are 3 constellations ruled by Leo that completes this final picture of the YHVH’s Plan of Redemption that started with Genesis 3:15 in the Garden of Eden.

1. Hydra          = the Old Serpent destroyed.
2. Crater          = the Cup of Divine wrath poured out upon Serpent.
3. Corvus        = the Bird of prey devouring Serpent.

Leo is the constellation of the King of the Universe and it contains at its ‘heart’, ‘Cor Leonis’ is the Star of the King, Regulus as mentioned. It comes from the root word for regal, or royal and that of majesty and of a kingly demeanor. Revelation 5:5 foretells of a time when time will conclude and the Judgement Day will come by why of the ‘Lion of Judah’. It will be none other than this ‘Lion of Judah’, Jesus Christ that is the only one worthy to beak the Seals Judgments of the Scroll in Heaven. He will then pronounce its righteous judgements upon the Christ-rejecting Earthlings and Lucifer. This is the real threat and caution the Earthlings should be afraid of and will. This ‘Lion’ of Judah is a man, Jesus that became human, died and resurrected to qualify to open the Seal Judgments as He had no sin as a man. Jesus has now been given all power and authority in Heaven, on Earth and under the Earth because He laid down His life for sinners to redeem Eve’s fall and that of Adam and Humanity’s, all inclusive.

The Rapture Roar?
This was appropriately depicted in C.S. Lewis’ Aslan the Lion. In the Chronicles of Narnia, Aslan was representative of Jesus Christ that was mocked and killed at the altar of His Enemies of all that is called good and righteous. This Lion of Judah, the Messiah is also the symbol of Jerusalem whose alternative name is also Ariel. The coat of arms of the city is a boxing Lion. As noted, it was the standard of the tribe of Judah as it encamped around the Tabernacle of Moses, etc. There is also the Lion Gate in Jerusalem, where Jesus started the Via Dolorosa, all the way to Calvary, etc. It was from there that the city was liberated from the Muslims in the 6-Day War in 1967.

In the constellation Virgo, the ‘Lion’ was born from the Virgin as foretold by Isaiah that it would be a ‘Sign’ to Israel and the world of the coming redemption of Humanity. As noted, these Celestial Signs echo the promise that reverberates from the contention that set the stage for such a cosmic and prophetic timeline since the Garden of Eden. The Woman would have her ‘Seed’, that of the Messiah war with the Seed of the Serpent. This typology by one interpretation is encapsulated as the motif of the age-old riddle of the Sphinx. The Sphinx is the encoding of the ‘Alpha and Omega’ of Leo and Virgo.

The story-line of Leo or the Lion of Judah that is spoken in the Old Testament is concluded in the New Testament’s last book, that of Revelation. The last book of the Bible portrays the Lion of Judah or ‘Leo’ overcoming the Old Dragon Serpent. Jesus will cast Lucifer into the prison and then eventually into the Lake of Fire. Astronomically, the feet of Leo are treading upon the head of Hydra, the Serpent of the Cosmos. Leo is descending upon it as to mortally crush its head. This echoes what YHVH foretold would occur as Messiah would crush the head of the Serpent at the Cross of Calvary. The following are the main Stars in the constellation of Leo with their prophetic meaning that defines their attributes, destiny and meaning of the Messiah’s mission.

Denebola        = the Judge or Lord who comes.
Zosma             = the Shining forth.
Aleced             = the Judge comes who seizes.
Al Giebha        = the Exaltation.
Chertan           = the Rib (Adam’s Rib).
Sarcam           = the Joining.
al Asad            = the punishing or treading of the Lion.
Regulus           = treading under foot.
Al Dafera         = the Enemy put down.

If one does a narration of these words combined, it would say something like the following. ‘The Lion King will come to judge and be LORD over all. In His majesty, He comes to rapture His own and be exalted as He will exalt His own. He comes to join His Bride as the rib taken from Adam’s side as He subdues all His Enemies’. However, this ‘Lion of Judah’ first had to come as the ‘Lamb of GOD’ to atone for the sins of Eve and Adam's fallen race, etc. Now, as to the Rapture sequence, it is stated clearly in I Thessalonians 14 that Jesus is coming back with a loud ‘Shout’ or Command. With the Lion personification explained, this is none other than the ‘Roar’ inferred astronomically with the Super Flare that is protruding out of the ‘mouth’ of Leo, thus the Rapture Roar?

What is the prophetic connection is that the area occurs in the Star of Al Giebha which means, ‘the Exaltation’. It is understood prophetically that at the time of the Rapture, the Bride of Christ will rise and decreed to be exalted to the Throne of YHVH to then to be married. It will be the time of vindication and justification for all the centuries the Bride of Christ has suffered on Earth at the hands of her mockers and accusers. Thus, the question remains, does this Astronomical Sign occurring in Leo allude to the nearness of the coming and anticipated Rapture ‘Roar’ or Shout? One does not know when the Rapture event is to take place or what year but it does appear that such Signs in the Sun, Moon and the Stars are becoming more frequent and pertinent to the Rapture event typology.

As Signs go, the Sign is not the event itself but one that signals the event to come ahead of it. As to the timing of the Rapture then? This is an unknown, however, it is amazing that if what one is reading into such an astronomical array of Signs is true, especially with this one in the 'Lion's Roar', it would appear that it is in keeping with Biblical prophecy. It is of the Royal Decree, that the coming ‘Shout of the King’, the ‘Rapture Roar’ of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah is about to come to pass. It will be the Call or ‘Shout’ to ‘harvest’ as Christ Jesus is to take His ‘Sickle’ to assemble the Bride of Christ at the end of this Church Age. Nonetheless, the timing of and where this Super Flare in Leo has taken place is thus far very interesting.

Many who study the timelines of YHVH’s Feasts suggest that mid to end of July is when the true Pentecost harvest of wheat is to occur. Is one reading too much into this event prophetically? Perhaps, but what if this is celestial inference to the ‘Sickle of Leo’ harvest and ‘Roar’ or ‘Shout’ is conveying the ‘Rapture Roar’ of I Thessalonians 4? Does this Celestial Sign at this place and time then truly is signaling the soon coming Rapture event? Will it be in 2020? Also interesting is that starting on July 20, 2020, the comet 2020 F3 NEOWISE will be just above the constellation of Leo running along the Big Dipper. This comet came suddenly, surprisingly and spectacularly. Is this not the description of how the Rapture event is anticipated to occur?


Main Sources

E.W. Bullinger
