Jerry Taylor (26 July 2020)
"The Rapture before the Days of Awe in September 2020"


The Rapture before the Days of Awe in September 2020


This timeline in the headline may be the most accurate we can find.  Why?  Because the Rapture has to happen before the Tribulation begins.

Surprisingly, the current health crisis of Coronavirus / Covid 19 has forced the world and the Church to confine themselves.

During the current global coronavirus pandemic, where everyone has to stop in their frantic run and confine themselves to home:

  • God forces man to think,
  • He asks his Children to prepare to meet Him.
  • God challenges man in view of eternal salvation,

Jesus said: to prepare, to watch and pray, to read to keep His Word, to have oil of the Holy Spirit in reserve, to do the will of His Father to be known to Him, to walk in sanctification without which no one will see the Lord, as Enoch walked with God before his rapture (Genesis 5-24). Do not practice sin or live in sin, be whole for Him. To walk in the fear of God, to honor the Holy Spirit who came to make his abode in the heart of the Christian, not to sadden him. This is the normal course and life of the faithful Christian. Read Romans 8:1.

Only repentance can allow us to turn away from sin and to get His immediate forgiveness to abide again IN CHRIST, the only Salvation Ark given to men by God.

To be a disciple, we must so be born again, baptized of water and by The Holy Spirit (Matthew 28: 19-20 and Acts 1 – 4/5), as were all the disciples in the first church, as soon as they believed, and follow a life of holiness, continuing steadfastly in the apostles doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread and in prayers (Acts 2 – 41/42). It is not a salvation by the works. But our faith in the grace of God leads us to accomplish good works which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them (Ephesians 2 - 10)!

Why does God hide this Great Painting of Revelation 12?

The Great Sign is so Fabulous that God decides to veil it from men by the LIGHT of the sun. Indeed on the given date, it was visible only during the day behind the sun (only computers therefore allow us to know that the Great Sign is perfectly accomplished on this date). It is the LIGHTING REIGN OF GOD that has arrived.

It is God's Painting, but non visible from earth.

It is the Great Painting of God that symbolizes The Birth and The Revelation of CHRIST and then His Rapture, celestial being made of 2 particular beings who both will rule the world together with a rod of iron: Jesus the Head and the Church his Body.

The Great Painting of God shows us the Beauty of The Bride.

 Do you understand what was obvious to Jesus in his Matthew 24 speech – here Jesus spoke of the End of the Tribulation, not the Rapture.

 Here is an evidence for Jesus: No one will know the day of the LORD (the day of his Second coming and the end of the world v3, 34, 35) because this day of judgment of the nations at the end of the great tribulation - v9, 15, 21 (though defined by a precise number of days) will come as by surprise - v36. God binds himself by his Word in giving the number of days of great tribulation, but He declares that these days of distress will be shortened, abridged to save the elects.

Jesus therefore specifies here that the duration of the days at the end of the great tribulation will no longer be the same. The rotation of the earth will be accelerated according to : (24h => shortened to 12h and 16h)

Amos 8-9 It will happen in that day," says the Lord Yahweh, "that I will cause the sun to go down at noon, and I will darken the earth in the clear.