James Brownlow (19 July 2020)
"The Two Pentecost Dates"

I think BOTH PENTECOST dates are correct.

One GREAT thing about this delay. We learned a LOT about the Feasts of the Lord. The feasts are ETERNAL, they are HIS , and HIS church was birthed on this feast.

Scripture leaves open two possible ways to calculate  a Pentecost date. Lev. 23:15-16. This is a clue, I think, that SOMETHING is extremely valuable, worthy of study regarding Pentecost. If it looks confusing , then an enigma from God should interest us. 

Jerry Taylor, last week discussed several points that put Pentecost in late July this year. Of course July is well after the traditional date of 49 days + 1 or 50 days.(the end of May this year). So the focus now is on the alternative, "long count" or 49 days plus 50 days = 99 days.(the end of July this year). 

First, we know that after Messiah was taken up , and after he had given commandments to the apostles, that he showed himself alive, "being seen of them 40 days". Acts 1:2-3. So were there additional days he was not seen of them ? Absolutely, there were. More than 10 days , at least 12 days . In John 20:19 he appears, but not to Thomas. The second appearance is after 8 days (John 20:26) and the 3rd time was another 5 days , given the travel time (a 4 day walk) from  the sea of Tiberius to Jerusalem. John 21:1-14. So over 50 days is past "traditional" Pentecost.

Secondly, Pentecost can be dated by Paul's journey sailing from Ephesus. Acts 20:16. Paul desired to be in Jerusalem by Pentecost. Verse 16. It was at unleavened bread, passover. Acts gives a detailed account, listing his travel stops and days in transit. At several locations he spent time visiting. Others have added up the days, the sailing time, and the walking time and it seems impossible that anyone could cover that distance in 50 days.

Thirdly, there is the connection of Pentecost to  grapes.Grapes do not ripen until well into June. It takes at least 21 days after you harvest grapes to make wine. Yet when Peter ( Acts 2:13) was accused of being drunk on "new wine" at 9am on Pentecost , he did not say "impossible , as the grapes are not even ripe yet".... the implication is that "new wine" existed and it was July at Pentecost.

Fourth, there is the wheat connection.Winter wheat (planted in the fall) takes 7 months to grow to harvest while spring wheat can be ready in 4 months. More sunshine in the spring than in the winter. So the old wheat planted in the fall is harvested in spring and spring wheat is harvested in summer. John 4:35 " say ye not there are four months then cometh the harvest?" Jesus compared himself to wheat : "except a corn of wheat fall to the ground and die it abideth alone.... but  if it die it bringeth forth much fruit...Father save me from this hour..." John 12:24. The fruit of his death was the Holy Spirit being poured out at Pentecost. Jesus was buried on the first month (Nisan-April) the same time Spring wheat is planted and wheat does not ever bear fruit in 50 days.Therefore, in type, Pentecost can properly match the time line of wheat growing to harvest in late July --- 4 months after planting....April. May, June, July.

One more point. Pentecost is directly tied to Passover by "counting". A unique feast in that regard.. Are we not told to "count" elsewhere toward the end of God's book ? I see a connection.

I think both Pentecost dates are correct.The second harvest, a 4 month count, may be our ticket up and out. Dr Awe's evidence in support of a late July Pentecost is based on the death ages of the patriarchs, AND the Hebrew years (5780, 5781 etc) , AND the word study of scripture's use of the word "Dung" --- all three point to LATE JULY, 2020. 
That is on top of his Exodus study of dates !

The Seven Festivals of the Messiah by Eddie Chumney at mayimhayim.org/festivals/Feastforward.htm

The True Count to Pentecost by Arnold Bowen
Some scripture citations in Bowen's material are incorrect. (Acts is John, etc)

Dr Barry Awe - multiple youtube studies
Since we know that God has told the "end from the beginning" (Is. 46:10) the study on Patriarchs deaths in Genesis is eye opening.
 The first link is "The Lord will Do No Thing Unless He Tells His Servants -the Rapture Date is In The Bible" -  At about 13:40 he begins Exodus studies. At 16:00 he covers Joseph and Joshua both  dying at 110 years  At 18:00 Moses At 24:00 Daniel and more "selfsame day"...    https://youtu.be/TKGnd_HIjAs

The second link is "Did We Just Find The Rapture Date "