Exodus points to a late July rapture with multiple details. Here is Joshua also pointing to year 2020 and late July.
The Bible study starts at about 27:45 minutes. This is rich, loaded. The initial part (first minute) with "Barak O Lama" is hilarious if you have time to watch it. From Dr. Barry Awe...
Hebrew Name Definitions :Joshua -"Savior, Deliverer"; Jordan - "Come down"; Israel -"Wrestle with God"; Hebrew-"crossover people"; Lebanon "White Mountain"( ref. Heaven); Hittites- "Fear" - (ref.Satan);
Joshua, the son of Nun ,of the tribe of Ephriam. "Nun" , he had no human father (in type) and Ephriam (along with Manasseh) was half Gentile. Joshua was a figure, a type , of the coming Messiah but especially His return with a Gentile connection. The Deliverer , crossing the Jordan, Coming Down.......