Doug, Regarding the Christians alive at the moment of the blessed hope, you have clearly explained what you believe happens to those living Christians that you say do not qualify. What I was wondering is what you believe happens to those "non-qualifying" Christians, but yet have already passed on? Are they currently absent from the body and present with the Lord, with the "qualifying" Christians? Are they experiencing some lesser experience, than the "qualifying" Christians who also have passed on? Will they be reunited with their then resurrected bodies, like the already passed-on "qualifying" Christians? Will they be in the air with Jesus, where the resurrected Christians meet the Lord? Or do they have to come back to the earth, to go through, with the other "non-qualifiers", the beginning of the tribulation? Or do they remain in heaven, un-resurrected, while the living "non-qualifiers" go through the beginning of the tribulation? Or is the question of "not qualifying" only applicable to living Christians at the moment of the blessed hope?