The first thing to notice is that the Book of Revelation reveals to us that there is a prophetic event which must be fulfilled in heaven BEFORE the rapture event can take place. That is to say, the Scripture reveals that there is a prophecy event IN HEAVEN which must take place BEFORE the rapture event can happen according to :
Revelation 12:7-12
"And there was war in heaven : Michael and his angels fought against the dragon and his angels......Satan which deceives the whole world was CAST OUT into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. And I heard a loud voice in heaven saying, NOW IS COME SALVATION.......BECAUSE the accuser of our brethren IS CAST DOWN “ The key-word is "NOW". What comes "NOW" ?
This Scripture also reveals to us that BECAUSE the accuser of our brethren Church "IS CAST DOWN" to earth "NOW IS COME" THE RAPTURE , which is the salvation of the Body of Christ Church, BUT NOT UNTIL Satan is cast out of heaven . So, you see, the fulfillment of the prophecy of Satan being cast out of heaven and down to earth must happen PRIOR TO the fulfillment of the prophecy of the rapture. "NOW" the rapture can happen BECAUSE Satan is cast out.. The key word in the Scripture is "NOW".
So WHEN is it that Satan is cast out of heaven and down to earth so that the rapture can "NOW” happen ? Because the Scriptures DO reveal to us WHEN Satan is cast down, we can now also know WHEN the rapture will happen because they BOTH happen at the same time. FIRST Satan is cast out, and THEN the Church is raptured in . The following Scriptures reveal the information we need :
Revelation 12;12
"Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and of the sea ! For the devil has come down unto you , having great wrath, because he knows that he has BUT A SHORT TIME." "WOE" is the great tribulation.
We need to know just how long “A SHORT TIME" is which is allocated to Satan BEFORE the Second Coming of the Lord to end it. The next Scripture reveals that needed fact :
Revelation 13:5
"And power was given unto him TO CONTINUE FORTY-TWO MONTHS” AFTER he is cast down to earth, and BEFORE the Second Coming of the Lord to end it. Forty-two months is 1,260 days.
We know that the Second Coming of the Lord will fulfill the three yet unfulfilled Fall Feasts of the Lord beginning with the Feast of Trumpets which always falls on the New Moon of Tishri 1. Therefore, Satan is cast down, and the Church is raptured up exactly 1,260 days prior to Tishri 1, on God's Sacred Calendar. What date and day is always exactly 1,260 days prior to Tishri 1 ? That is the date of Nisan 10 which is also the Day of Palms when Jesus rode into Jerusalem as the Savior for the Jews. That will also be the day and date that Jesus will appear as the Savior for His Body of Christ Church.
According to the Book of Revelation the date and day of the rapture is revealed to us in the Book of Revelation as being Nisan 10 , the Day of Palms, four days before the Passover on Nisan 14. It cannot happen on any other day of God's Sacred Year Calendar and conform to the information revealed in the Book of Revelation. The next Nisan 10 falls on April 22, 2021.
Revelation 1:3
"BLESSED IS HE that reads, and they that hear THE WORDS OF THIS PROPHECY, and keep those things which are written therein : for the time is at hand."
According to Your Word, come Lord Jesus !